Online, On-Demand Printing of Manuals

– and FREE OF CHARGE download of PDF versions
When we released Version 11, we announced that all future Dyalog manuals would be provided as soft copies on CD.
However, we appreciate that some of our customers find it difficult to live without printed manuals. Therefore, we have arranged for an online, print on demand service through Lulu.

The following products are available:
- Dyalog for Windows User Guide – Introduction to using Dyalog for Windows
- Dyalog Language Reference – A complete reference for the Dyalog APL language
- Dyalog for Windows Object Reference – Provides detailed information about the GUI objects provided with Dyalog for Widows
- Dyalog for Windows Interface Guide – A guide to the various interfaces provided by Dyalog under Windows (and in many cases also on other platforms)
- Dyalog .Net Interface – A description of the interface between Dyalog and Microsoft.Net
- Dyalog Version 11.0 Release Notes – Documents new features of Dyalog Version 11 and Version 10.1 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming for APL Programmers – Introduces the object oriented features of Dyalog Version 11.0
Printed manuals may be shipped anywhere in the world and quotes are provided instantly online in US$, £ or €.
Since all manuals are now available on Lulu as free of charge PDF downloads, we have decided to stop offering the facility to download from our dedicated download zone on the Dyalog website. The benefit for us is that from a maintenance point of view it’s also easier. You will find several logos on www.dyalog.com that take you straight to the Dyalog manuals shop. Or, click on this link to go there directly.