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British APL Association

British based APLers may be aware that the BAA held an Extraordinary General Meeting on June 19th 2008, where it was decided to end the affiliation with British Computer Society. Consequently the BAA is now an independent organisation.

In connection with the decision the Chairman of BAA, Paul Grosvenor said, "We are not planning on any major changes in the short term. As an example, the publication of Vector will continue as usual. Likewise there will be no changes to the fee structure in 2008-2009, which means that the cost of memberships will not increase either. The main purpose of the BAA is – and will continue to be – furthering the use of APL or associated languages and assisting the wider APL communities where appropriate. I do, however, envisage that over the next couple of years a number of suggestion for changes will be put forward and personally I am working towards establishing the independent BAA as a more dynamic and invigorated organisation with more to offer to the members".

If you would like to read the minutes from the meeting, please see here.

The formal announcement from the BAA can be seen here.

If you would like to continue to follow the development and initiatives of BAA and keep up to date with the British APL community, we can recommend you to bookmark


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