Arriving to meet the warm sea air is already a refreshing change as this year’s long, hot summer started to close in the weeks leading up to this year’s user meeting. Of course, for some with less far to travel, the warmth is a familiar comfort.

Apartments at the Real Marina in Olhão, Portugal
As delegates arrived on Sunday night we were treated to a lovely surprise – a birthday cake to celebrate Tony Corso’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Tony!
Today we kicked off the user meeting with workshops, giving delegates hands-on experience with a range of Dyalog offerings for application development.
Attendees of Rich Park and Rodrigo Girão Serrão’s language workshops explored different ways to express ideas in APL using both tried and true idioms in the morning and newer language features in the afternoon – they compared expressiveness and performance implications in difference circumstances.
Morten and Josh got participants up to speed with using and maintaining code which lives outside of your workspace in text files, while Richard Smith and Bjørn Christensen showed how to manage and interact with data from outside of the workspace.
Brian Becker guided delegates into the world of SAAS (Software As A Service). It is encouraging to see how straightforward having APL code talk to the outside world can be. As usual, however, the complexities reveal themselves as you delve deeper in to specific use cases and circumstances.

Morten and Josh show how to store source code as text files using Link
Without a doubt, getting to meet our users face to face has already proved to be the greatest enjoyment of the meeting so far. Some familiar faces long since last seen, and others only over a screen. Discussing ideas face to face still retains a value impossible to quantify.
Overall a fantastic beginning to the week and we cannot wait to experience the rest of this week!