Prices and Licences

NOTE: All prices are in £ Sterling (GBP) unless stated otherwise, and are exclusive of VAT.

Commercial Licence

for the professional developer

"Commercial Purposes" means those purposes for which a fee, rate, charge or any other consideration is charged, or any purposes directly or indirectly connected with any business or which is otherwise intended for profit or to make money.

A Commercial Licence allows a single user to run the Dyalog development environment for Commercial Purposes, including as a tool for application development, a productivity tool, and a platform for running applications developed in Dyalog. A Commercial Licence does not include a licence to distribute Dyalog with your work – to do that you will need to obtain an appropriate Run-Time Licence.

Commercial Licences are provided on an annual fee basis and include Dyalog Support Service (DSS) membership, which offers users support, maintenance and upgrades.


Licence TypeAnnual Cost
Commercial Licence – Microsoft Windows, Linux, and macOS £1,375   

E-mail us for more information.

Basic Licence

for the APL enthusiast

"Non-commercial Purposes" means those purposes for which no fee, rate, charge, or other consideration is charged to any third party, or which is considered by Dyalog Ltd as a charitable, educational, or other not-for-profit purpose, and which is not otherwise considered a Commercial Purpose.

You will be granted a Basic Licence when you accept the conditions and download a free copy of Dyalog. The Basic Licence allows APL users to have a copy of the latest Dyalog technology for personal or non-commercial use and experimentation and other Non-commercial Purposes only. The Basic Licence is intended for use as a personal productivity tool in a general non-commercial environment, and you may not exercise any of the rights granted to you by the Basic Licence for any Commercial Purpose. This means that as long as you are not making or trying to make money from your use of the licensed work, you are OK. Common categories of non-commercial use include educational use, personal use, experimentational use, proof of concept use, participating in programming competitions for prizes, and just for fun use.

If you want to distribute Dyalog with your work, you will need an appropriate Run-Time Licence. Holders of Basic Licences can distribute Dyalog with their work under the terms of the Royalty-Based Run-Time Licence, which will apply as the default run-time licence.

Holders of Basic Licences can subscribe to the Dyalog Support Service (DSS), which offers users support, maintenance and upgrades, in return for payment of the relevant fee.


Download Dyalog

Licence TypeAnnual Cost
Basic Licence free   
Basic Licence with DSS membership £150   

Run-Time Licences

for the deployment of applications

In addition to a current Commercial Licence or Basic Licence, a Run-Time Licence is necessary if:

  • Dyalog is used to implement multi-user applications (multi-user applications are defined as applications where the same data is shared by or exchanged between two or more users).
  • Dyalog is used as a platform for applications that are distributed outside the organisation which holds the Commercial or Basic Licence – whether or not the developer charges a fee for the application and irrespective of whether the application is single or multi‑user.

User-Based Run-Time Licences

for sharing applications

When several users use one or more applications on a shared server, a Run-Time Licence is required. Examples of this are applications that are running under Citrix or similar platforms, Web Servers, servers using Distributed COM or other transactional platforms. The minimum server configuration is for 20 users.

Run-Time Licences are inclusive of all necessary Licences. If, for example, an application allows 20 desktop users to share data on the server, a Run-Time Licence for 20 users includes all relevant fees for desktop users and server.

For Facility Management Applications, where an organisation is running a service on behalf of several client organisations, appropriate Run-Time Licences are required for each distinct customer organisation.

These Run-Time Licences are priced on a per user basis but where it is not possible to determine the number of users (for example (for example, an application within in a container or virtual machine) a Cloud-Based or Royalty-Based Run-Time Licence chould be used.


User-Based Run-Time LicencesAnnual Cost
Up to 20 users £1,125   
Up to 50 users £2,250   
Up to 100 users £3,750   
Up to 250 users £6,000   
Up to 500 users £9,750   
500 or more users e-mail Dyalog Ltd   

Cloud-Based Run-Time Licences

for sharing applications

When several users use one or more applications running in the cloud, a Run-Time Licence is required.

Examples could be:

  • a service where an application, that runs in the cloud, provides services available to users for a fraction of the working year (for example, applications running Jarvis or MiServer)
  • use of internal or external cloud resources to accelerate or automate the execution of a workflow on behalf of a controlling process, but without providing a service that other users could connect to or receive data from. Examples include the use of isolate servers running in the cloud for parallel computation, or the execution of continuous integration tasks on the cloud.

For cloud-based deployment of applications, our default pricing is that you pay Dyalog Ltd the same amount as you pay your cloud provider for the computing resources to run Dyalog in the cloud. If those costs are not easily identifiable, please e-mail Dyalog Ltd to discuss pricing and we will work with you to identify a metric that can be used to determine a fair price structure for the required Run-Time Licences.

Royalty-Based Run-Time Licences

for the exploration of new markets

For holders of a Commercial Licence or a Basic Licence, Dyalog Ltd offers an alternative Royalty-Based Run-Time Licence. The licence charges a royalty fee calculated as 2% of all gross revenue generated by sales, consulting, and support of applications and end products developed using Dyalog, where such annual revenue is equal to or exceeds £5,000.

The licence covers all required Run-Time Licences for users of services or software delivered by the Royalty-Based Licence holder. In addition, the royalty covers support and upgrades for the licence holder. The licence requires a current Basic or Commercial Licence, and includes access to all Dyalog development environments.

This is the preferred option for start-ups and for vendors who need freedom when pricing their products. It is also ideal for consultancies and software vendors who need to be up-to-date with Dyalog versions and platforms. Dyalog Ltd has developed this model in appreciation of the fact that business development requires sophisticated tools – often before the revenue stream is secured.

In the absence of the purchase of a suitable Run-Time Licence, the Royalty-Based Run-Time Licence will be applied as the default licence.

Dyalog File Server (DFS) Licences

for data sharing

The Dyalog File Server (DFS) licence allows users to share data using a server, rather than sharing files on a LAN. The DFS is able to serve both Dyalog Component Files (DCF) and native operating system files, removing the requirement for clients to have network access to file storage. This is a storage mechanism for APL arrays. The DFS offers users a variety of advantages within the realms of security, performance, operations, and recovery.

Each Dyalog File Server Licence includes the neccessary Run-Time Licence for the specified number of clients/users.


Server DFS LicencesAnnual Cost
up to 20 users (cost per annum) £2,250   
up to 50 users (cost per annum) £4,500   
up to 100 users (cost per annum) £7,500   
up to 250 users (cost per annum) £12,000   
up to 500 users (cost per annum) £19,500   
500 or more users (cost per annum) e-mail Dyalog Ltd   

Other Products

Dyalog Keyboard (UK/US) £175
Dyalog Keyboard (DE) €199
Mastering Dyalog APL (Printed) £30
Mastering Dyalog APL (PDF) free
Product Manuals (PDF) free

NOTE: All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Read these terms and conditions, the full price list and the full licence agreement and e-mail us for more information.