Our business is to help entrepreneurs, researchers and software vendors to deliver solutions where the APL language plays a central role. Based around our cross-platform Dyalog APL interpreter, we provide development tools, interfaces and application components, tutorials and training materials designed to get you started and keep you productive using APL.
Dyalog APL itself is not open source, but it is free under Microsoft Windows, macOS X and Linux for educational and non-commercial use, including evaluation for potential commercial use. Our intention is that the Dyalog package – including free versions – should include everything you need to build applications for the desktop, web or service-oriented architectures. Therefore, with a few exceptions (see Separately Licensed Products below), all tools are free – and a growing number of them are open source.
Core Technology
At the heart of our business is the Dyalog interpreter, an advanced and highly-optimised language engine that integrates functional and object-oriented features into an ISO/IEC 13751-compliant APL language core. We release a new version each year – if you are familiar with APL but not Dyalog, then we recommend that you read about the extensions that Dyalog has made to classical APL; although your old code will probably run without changes, things have advanced since the 1980s.
Tip: Use the resource map if you are looking for a specific page within the products or tools sections.
The language engine is available on a growing collection of platforms and includes an integrated development environment (IDE) and a large collection of tools. While the Dyalog programming language is identical on all platforms, some differences do exist, especially in the tools and interfaces that are available on each platform.
Separately Licensed Products
A small number of add-on tools are licensed as separate products rather than being included with the Dyalog interpreter when, for example:
- a third-party licence that we cannot "bundle" is included
- there are very specific platform requirements
- the product is expected to be used in high availability scenarios and requires extended support
For specific information on any of our separately licensed products, including licensing conditions and pricing, e-mail us.