Employee Spotlight: Aarush

It’s been a year since Aarush joined us, and we asked him to look back over his first twelve months.

Aarush joined Dyalog Ltd after studying at VIT Vellore in India, where he received a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Forgoing his college placements in pursuit of working on the nitty-gritty of programming languages, Aarush found APL. The idea that if you can do mathematics with symbols, you can program with symbols as well, was something that Aarush found “legen-wait-for-it-dary”.

Most days, Aarush is involved with testing Dyalog, focusing on testing the primitives of the language with the test suite he created – ullu. The main objectives of ullu are to test the functionality of Dyalog’s primitives and enhance code coverage to ensure that users get the best quality code possible. Currently, ullu covers 10 primitives, and he’s working on extending this to cover more (all the rest of them!). A huge achievement in Aarush’s first year has been increasing code coverage, bringing many of the 10 primitives that he’s worked on so far to almost 100% coverage. He’s very excited to work on the interpreter, and is looking forward to running some experiments to investigate the merits of a proposal that might speed up Dyalog’s memory management system.

Apart from work, Aarush likes to travel. “Flights are cool but I still think the best way to explore a place is by walk or a road trip”. If it is accessible by foot, he’s likely to suggest walking there, often underestimating the amount of time and effort it might take (much to the chagrin of his friends). When not travelling, he enjoys watching F1, making and tasting new types of coffee, and playing his guitar.

As for Dyalog Ltd’s famous duck collection, Aarush’s favorite duck in the office is not one of the ones in the ducks-only bookcase, but rather one that’s in the kitchen – it’s the scrubbing brush! He thinks this is not only adorable but also very functional as a dish scrubber.

“Dyalog is the perfect fit for me as a workplace” he says. “I always imagined myself working at a company that is passionate about what they’re making and part of a team that is very close-knit, like a family. I can’t wait to build more and learn more with all the folks at Dyalog”.