Numeric Case Conversion

Dyalog APL version 18.0, released in June 2020, introduced the Case Convert system function ⎕C. It was a replacement for the long-lived (since version 15.0, from June 2016) I-beam 819⌶, which was then deprecated. (By the way, did you know that the digits 819 were chosen to be reminiscent of the letters BIg as in big — uppercase — letters?) It is expected that 819⌶ will be disabled in the next major version of Dyalog APL.

⎕C already has several advantages over 819⌶, for example the ability to case-fold rather than lowercase. (Did you know that Cherokee syllabary case-folds to uppercase?) With today’s release of Dyalog version 19.4.1, we’re happy to announce a further extension of ⎕C, covering scaled format (also known as scientific or E notation) and complex numbers.

By default, APL uses the letter E to separate mantissa and exponent in very large and very small numbers. Similarly, the letter J is used to separate real and imaginary parts of complex numbers:

      2 20 * 64 ¯24
1.844674407E19 5.960464478E¯32
      ¯1 ¯5*0.5
0J1 0J2.236067977

For input, however, e and j are accepted in addition to E and J:

      1E4 1J4 ≡ 1e4 1j4

You can now conveniently mitigate this asymmetry using ⎕C:

      ⎕C 2 20 * 64 ¯24
1.844674407e19 5.960464478e¯32
      ⎕C ¯1 ¯5 * 0.5
0j1 0j2.236067977

We hope that this added functionality will be exploited to its fullest by all our users. Please contact us if you experience any stability issues with the new feature.

The APL Quest Series

It seemed like a normal Friday until mid-afternoon. But on 4 February 2022, I embarked on a journey that, at the time, seemed to stretch impossibly far into the future — a future that wasn’t entirely known yet. In the APL Orchard chat room on Stack Exchange, a dozen APLers, some experts and some newbies, held the very first APL Quest chat event.

In this first session, we explored the oldest APL Problem Solving Competition phase 1 problem – question number 1 from 2013 – presented our solutions, and discussed them for about half an hour. The following week, I recorded a video where I went through some of these solutions, with the code posted on GitHub. This pattern continued each week; chat events on Fridays, and a follow-up video released (usually) the week after, each session looking at a different phase 1 problem.

APL Quest chat in progress


Originally, the idea came from Richard Savenije, inspired by LeetCode. Both he and Stefan Kruger, who later became my colleague, were frustrated with LeetCode’s assumptions about programming languages – assumptions that didn’t really hold for APL. Aside from that, their test framework didn’t permit APL submissions anyway.

So, Richard suggested that we should make our own problems website, and Stefan pointed out that my colleague Rich Park had already set up a website that offered automatic checking of solutions to simple problems. With the help of a summer intern, Rich had populated the site with all APL Problem Solving Competition phase 1 problems from 2013 until 2021 (the 2022 round was scheduled to launch two months later). Richard suggested using this site for weekly puzzles, one every Friday afternoon, and we found a time that suited the people present.

Next, we had to decide on a format. Should it be a Zoom meeting or a chat event? Earlier, there had been a couple of chat events series in the APL Orchard; the APL Cultivation series ran weekly from October 2017 until May 2018 and semi-weekly from 28 November 2019 until August 2020. Stefan Kruger was in the process of converting these to a since-completed book, APL Cultivations. After some discussions, we decided to have the sessions in chat, and I came up with the idea of recording a short screen cast after each event.

I got the arithmetic wrong, and claimed we’d have 100 weeks worth of problems, as the 2022 problems would be available by the time we had explored the other problems, giving us almost two years of material. Actually, the 2023 problems were ready when we got to them! But either way, the end seemed very far away…

Technical Details

And yet, here we are, after 110 weeks, 110 live chat events, and 110 published videos – a total of over 22 hours of video contents! We never missed a week, even on various holidays, though Rich Park did have to substitute for me a few times when I was prevented from hosting, and sometimes I had to push off recording and/or publishing a video until two or three weeks after the chat event. Sometimes, I’d host the chat event while travelling in a car or a train, and sometimes I’d record videos in hotel rooms or in other people’s homes. By always using a plain white (or off-white) background, I was able to get a consistent look, irrespective of where I was, though I sometimes had to move furniture to sit in front of a bare wall, and once I had to drape my bedspread over the hotel room’s television…

Recording an APL Quest session

Speaking of looks, I’ve received praise for the technical quality of my videos; for their smooth integration of presentation and live coding and for their nice design. So, for those who are interested in how I did it…the introductory screen and the problem statement are simply PowerPoint slides with Fade transitions. After the problem description slide, I faded to a blank slide, and from there, I switched application to RIDE (on Microsoft Windows, you have to install it separately), which was running in full-screen mode with the Language Bar and Status Bar hidden. When I started, the newest released RIDE was version 4.3, but I was running pre-releases of v4.4 and Dyalog v18.2 that added the Nord theme which I had fallen in love with in 2021. By matching my slide colours to the RIDE theme, I achieved a seamless transition without having to do any video editing.

I’m somewhat of a typeface enthusiast. Previously, I had searched for what I considered good sans-serif fonts, and for this project, I choose the humanist Go font. For APL code, I went with my own SAX2 font which I had created by extracting letterforms from the old SAX (SHARP APL for UNIX) manual, and then extended to cover the characters necessary today. However, it bothered me that the SAX font looked so thin next to Go, due to being digitised from the golf ball of a IBM Selectric without accounting for the visual weight normally added by the typewriter’s ink ribbon.

I had to hack font selection into RIDE, which I was able to do because RIDE is built using normal web technology, in particular CSS. After some experimentation, I found the way to do it. After I switched to RIDE v4.5, I was able to set the fontface in an official manner, but even this wasn’t enough. I had relied on PowerPoint’s reasonable auto-bolding of the SAX font, which otherwise didn’t include bold, but RIDE v4.5 wouldn’t let me style the APL font further, so I had to hack RIDE again!

“Hacking” RIDE v4.5

This time, I didn’t need to modify source files, but rather found that RIDE was “vulnerable” (though not in a dangerous way) to CSS injection through its font input field. Making the font bold didn’t look right, as that would only smear the letters horizontally, but adding a “text stroke” had the desired effect. If you want your RIDE to resemble what you can see in the videos, set the APL font to SAX2')}.monaco-editor *{-webkit-text-stroke:.67px currentcolor}. With the visuals set, I recorded using OBS Studio and, on the rare occasion that I needed to edit something, I used DaVinci Resolve.

Concluding the Series

When we finished that last session, it felt rather anti-climactic, but I can look back on a very enjoyable time. And of course, the efforts that all participants put into this are not forgotten; we’ve got an amazing chat and video series that future APLers can enjoy. Thank you to everyone who contributed; chat participants, video commenters, colleagues (especially Brian Becker who authored all the problems), and most of all my wife, who often had to encourage me to record the next video(s) and also gave me the time and space to do so, even if it meant single-handedly keeping our children quiet. If you’re up for a marathon, you can watch the entire 22-hour series on YouTube, and APL Quest on the APL Wiki includes links to all the problems, chat sessions, code, and videos.

Dyalog Version 18.4.1

During the recent APL Seeds ’22 meeting, it was suggested that we introduce keywords that could be used as an alternative to APL symbols. Several historical APL systems have provided such mechanisms. However, rather than adopting one of the old keyword schemes, we have decided to go for a more future-proof solution, recognising that the modern equivalent of keywords is emojis.

Emojis are already in widespread usage: they are included in fonts, and there is support for entry of emojis on a wide variety of devices. We have decided to adopt the existing proposal by StavromulaBeta, with minor changes. Examples include:

New Emoji Legacy Glyph New Emoji Legacy Glyph
🤔 💭
' 🏁
💂 : 📤
🤱 ( 🎅 )
🌜 { 🌛 }

In addition to usage of the language bar, and platform-specific emoji input methods, input via emoticons like :) and shortcodes like :slightly_smiling_face: (as used in chat clients and on GitHub, respectively), can be toggled on.

Screen-shot of a representative 18.4.1 sample session.

Backwards compatibility will be provided by an automatic translation mechanism on )LOAD of existing workspaces, and Link will update all source files, on first use of the new version 18.4.1.

For users of the Classic edition, new ⎕Uxxxxx spellings will be introduced. For example, the last expression in the above screen-shot will be:

⎕U1f31c⎕U1f9ee⎕U1f9ec⎕U1f914⎕U1f910⎕U1f534⎕U1f642⎕U1f4da⎕U1f4c8⎕U1f33f⎕U1f914⎕U1f31b ⎕U1f621⎕U1f910 k6174⎕U1f351 ⎕U1f931⎕U1f4da 9999⎕U1f385⎕U1f645 1111⎕U1f9ed⎕U1f4da9

Unfortunately, we are not able to make the new version available on the Apple macOS® platform, where the use of a certain of fruit emoji makes it impossible to introduce the new spelling.

We will be announcing the release date for version 18.4.1 shortly. Please contact if you would like to participate in testing the pre-release, or have suggestions for improving the choice of emojis.

Enhanced Debugging with Function Keys – Evaluate selection

See also Enhanced Debugging with Function Keys.

When tracing through a complex dfn and reaching a guard (condition:result), I am often wary of tracing into that line because if the condition evaluates to 1 then the current function I’m tracing through will terminate and return the result, leading to me losing situational awareness. Normally, I’d select the condition expression, copy it, move to the session and execute the expression, so I can predict what will happen next. Can we automate this? Yes we can.

Now, I usually prefer the Windows IDE for my daily development, but this is actually a case where RIDE has neat feature that’s missing from the IDE (but if you keep reading, I’ll show you how to achieve a similar effect in the IDE). In RIDE, go to Edit ⇒ Preferences ⇒ Shortcuts (or simply click ⌨︎ at the right end of the language bar), then type the name of a function key you want to use for this purpose, followed by a space, for example “F6 ” for . You’ll see exactly one entry in the listing. In the input field, write “<VAL>” (without quotes):

I defined a simple function to test it with, and traced into that:

      ⎕VR⎕FX'f←{' '⍺∧⍵:''both''' '⍺∨⍵:''either''' '''neither''' '}'
     ∇ f←{
[1]        ⍺∧⍵:'both'
[2]        ⍺∨⍵:'either'
[3]        'neither'
[4]    }

Tracing into f
Upon reaching a guard, I select the condition:
Selecting the condition
And Press :
Pressing F6

Cool, but how about the IDE?

Right, the Windows IDE doesn’t support the VAL command code, but we can easily emulate it by combining multiple command codes and assigning them to an F-key using ⎕PFKEY.

What we need to do is:

  1. Copy the current selection
  2. Jump to the session
  3. Paste
  4. Execute
  5. Jump back again

Options ⇒ Configure… ⇒ Keyboard Shortcuts ⇒ Description gives that the command codes for “Copy”, “JumP between current window and session window”, and “Paste” are CP, JP, and PT. We use ER (you can find all but JP using the ]KeyPress user command too) to press . Here we go:

      'CP' 'JP' 'PT' 'ER' 'JP' ⎕PFKEY 6

Keep it so!

RIDE keeps its setting, but of course, I wouldn’t want to be bothered with setting this up for every IDE session. So here’s a trick to set up F-keys (or anything else for that matter). When Dyalog APL starts up, it will look for MyUCMDs\setup.dyalog in your Documents folder ($HOME/MyUCMDs/setup.dyalog on non-Windows). If this file contains a function named Setup, it will be run whenever APL starts:

[1]  '<F6> is: ','CP' 'JP' 'PT' 'ER' 'JP' ⎕PFKEY 6
[2]  ∇

And now, when I start APL:
Upon start

Enhanced Debugging with Function Keys

Sometimes I want an additional functionality in the IDE. (Are you a RIDE user? We’ll cover that too!) For example, the other day, I was tracing through some very long functions to find an error which was being caught by a trap. Since the error was being caught, I couldn’t just let the function run until it would suspend. Again and again, I would press too many times, causing the error to happen and be trapped, and thus having to start all over again.

I wish I could select a line and run until there, I thought. Sure, I could set a break-point there and then continue execution, but that would drop me into the session upon hitting the break-point, and then I’d have to trace back into the function, and remember to clear the break-point. A repetitive work-flow indeed.

Make it so!

Luckily, I know someone who loves doing repetitive tasks: ⎕PFKEY. This is what I needed done:

  1. Toggle break-point (to set it)
  2. Resume execution
  3. Trace
  4. Toggle break point (to clear it)

A quick look in Options > Configure… > Keyboard Shortcuts > Code revealed that the command codes for these are BP, RM, TC, and BP again, so I tried:

      'BP' 'RM' 'TC' 'BP' ⎕PFKEY 10
 BP  RM  TC  BP 

I defined a simple function to test it with, and traced into that:

      ⎕FX 'f',⎕D
      ⎕VR 'f'
[1]   0
[2]   1
[3]   2
[4]   3
[5]   4
[6]   5
[7]   6
[8]   7
[9]   8
[10]  9

Tracing into f

Then I clicked on the line with a 7 on it, pressed , and lo:

Suspended on line 7

Keep it so!

Of course, I wouldn’t want to be bothered with setting this up in every session. So here’s a trick to set up F-keys (or anything else for that matter). When Dyalog APL starts up, it will look for MyUCMDs\setup.dyalog in your Documents folder ($HOME/MyUCMDs/setup.dyalog on non-Windows). If this file contains a function named Setup, it will be run whenever APL starts:

[1]  '<F10> is: ','BP' 'RM' 'TC' 'BP' ⎕PFKEY 10
[2]  ∇

And now, when I start APL:

New Session

Cool, but how about the RIDE?

Right, the RIDE doesn’t support ⎕PFKEY. However, Edit > Preferences > Shortcuts lets you both find the relevant command codes and assign them to F-keys. Just put <BP><RM><TC><BP> (type or paste those sixteen characters, with angle brackets and everything — don’t press the keys they symbolise!) in the PF10 input field:

Setting F10

The RIDE saves these preferences for you. Note that you can’t assign F-keys in $HOME/MyUCMDs/setup.dyalog because ⎕PFKEY has no effect in the RIDE, but you can still use that file to initialise other things.

Taking it one step further…

After using this for a while, I realised that I often want to “step into” a specific line . That is, I found myself pressing and then (the default keystroke for tracing). So I’ve assigned the same sequence, but with an additional trailing TC action:

[1]  '<F10> is: ','BP' 'RM' 'TC' 'BP' ⎕PFKEY 10
[2]  '<Ctrl>+<F10> is: ','BP' 'RM' 'TC' 'BP' 'TC' ⎕PFKEY 34
[3]  ∇

And for the RIDE, I set PF34 (which by default is invoked with ) to <BP><RM><TC><BP><TC>:

Setting Ctrl-F10