A Memo Operator


Some functions are simply stated and easily understood as multiply-recursive functions. For example, the Fibonacci numbers are {1≥⍵:⍵ ⋄ (∇ ⍵-2)+∇ ⍵-1}. A drawback of multiple recursion is abysmal performance even for moderate-sized arguments, consequently motivating resorts to circumlocutions. The memo operator addresses the performance problem and restores multiple recursion to the toolkit of thought. We present a memo operator modelled as a 6-line d-operator.

⎕io←0 throughout.

The Man Who Knew Infinity

Jay sent out an e-mail asking who would be interested to go see the film The Man Who Knew Infinity. Fiona’s response: “Ah, Mr. 1729; I’m in.” John was game, and so was I.

The Number of Partitions
Nick found an essay by Stephen Wolfram on Ramanujan written on occasion of the film, wherein Wolfram said:

A notable paper [Ramanujan] wrote with Hardy concerns the partition function (PartitionsP in the Wolfram Language) that counts the number of ways an integer can be written as a sum of positive integers. …

In Ramanujan’s day, computing the exact value of PartitionsP[200] was a big deal — and the climax of his paper. But now, thanks to Ramanujan’s method, it’s instantaneous:

In[1]:= PartitionsP[200]
Out[1]= 3 972 999 029 388

A partition of a non-negative integer n is a vector v of positive integers such that n = +/v, where the order in v is not significant. For example, the partitions of the first seven non-negative integers are:

│2│1 1│
│3│2 1│1 1 1│
│4│3 1│2 2│2 1 1│1 1 1 1│
│5│4 1│3 2│3 1 1│2 2 1│2 1 1 1│1 1 1 1 1│
│6│5 1│4 2│4 1 1│3 3│3 2 1│3 1 1 1│2 2 2│2 2 1 1│2 1 1 1 1│1 1 1 1 1 1│

Can we compute the partition counting function “instantaneously” in APL?

We will use a recurrence relation derived from the pentagonal number theorem, proved by Euler more than 160 years before Hardy and Ramanujan:

equation (11) in http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PartitionFunctionP.html. In APL:

      pn  ← {0≥⍵:0=⍵ ⋄ -/+⌿∇¨rec ⍵}
      rec ← {⍵ - (÷∘2 (×⍤1) ¯1 1 ∘.+ 3∘×) 1+⍳⌈0.5*⍨⍵×2÷3}

      pn¨0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 2 3 5 7 11

      pn 30

Warning: don’t try pn 200 because that would take a while! Why? pn 200 would engender pn being applied to each element of rec 200 and:

   rec 200
199 195 188 178 165 149 130 108 83 55 24 ¯10
198 193 185 174 160 143 123 100 74 45 13 ¯22

Each of the non-negative values would itself engender further recursive applications.

A Memo Operator

I recalled from J the memo adverb (monadic operator) M. Paraphrasing the J dictionary: f M is the same as f but may keep a record of the arguments and results for reuse. It is commonly used for multiply-recursive functions. Sounds like just the ticket!

The functionistas had previously implemented a (dyadic) memo operator. The version here is more restrictive but simpler. The restrictions are as follows:

  • The cache is constructed “on the fly” and is discarded once the operand finishes execution.
  • The operand is a dfn {condition:basis ⋄ expression} where none of condition, base and expression contain a and recursion is denoted by in expression
  • The arguments are scalar integers.
  • The operand function does not have ¯1 as a result.
  • A recursive call is on a smaller integer.

With these restrictions, our memo operator can be defined as follows:

 0=⎕NC'⍺':⍎' {T←(1+  ⍵)⍴¯1 ⋄  {',(i↑t),'¯1≢T[⍵]  :⊃T[⍵]   ⋄ ⊃T[⍵]  ←⊂',(i↓t),'⍵}⍵'
          ⍎'⍺{T←(1+⍺,⍵)⍴¯1 ⋄ ⍺{',(i↑t),'¯1≢T[⍺;⍵]:⊃T[⍺;⍵] ⋄ ⊃T[⍺;⍵]←⊂',(i↓t),'⍵}⍵'

      pn M 10

      pn 10

Obviously, the lines in M are crucial. When the operand is pn, the expression which is executed is as follows; the characters inserted by M are shown in red.

{T←(1+⍵)⍴¯1 ⋄ {0≥⍵:0=⍵ ⋄ ¯1≢T[⍵]:⊃T[⍵] ⋄ ⊃T[⍵]←⊂-/+⌿∇¨rec ⍵}⍵}

The machinations produce a worthwhile performance improvement:

      pn M 30
      cmpx 'pn M 30'
      cmpx 'pn 30'
      4.49e1 ÷ 3.94e¯4

That is, pn M 30 is faster than pn 30 by a factor of 114 thousand.

Can APL compute pn M 200 “instantaneously”? Yes it can, for a suitable definition of “instantaneous”.

      cmpx 'm←pn M 200'

M also works on operands which are anonymous, dyadic, or have non-scalar results.

Fibonacci Numbers

   fib←{1≥⍵:⍵ ⋄ (∇ ⍵-2)+∇ ⍵-1}

   fib¨ ⍳15
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377
   fib M¨ ⍳15
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

   cmpx 'fib 30'
   cmpx 'fib M 30'

Anonymous function:

      {1≥⍵:⍵ ⋄ (∇ ⍵-2)+∇ ⍵-1}M¨ ⍳15
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

⍺ comb ⍵ produces a matrix of all the size- combinations of ⍳⍵. The algorithm is from the venerable APL: An Interactive Approach by Gilman and Rose.

      comb←{(⍺≥⍵)∨0=⍺:((⍺≤⍵),⍺)⍴⍳⍺ ⋄ (0,1+(⍺-1)∇ ⍵-1)⍪1+⍺ ∇ ⍵-1}

      3 comb 5
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 1 4
0 2 3
0 2 4
0 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 3 4
2 3 4

      3 (comb ≡ comb M) 5

      cmpx '8 comb M 16' '8 comb 16'
  8 comb M 16 → 1.00E¯3 |     0% ⎕                             
  8 comb 16   → 3.63E¯2 | +3526% ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕

A faster comb is possible without a memo operator, but it’s not easy. (See for example section 4.1 of my APL87 paper.) A memo operator addresses the performance problem with multiple recursion and restores it to the toolkit of thought.

Presented at the BAA seminar at the Royal Society of Arts on 2016-05-20

I-Beam Mnemonics

I-Beam () is an operator that takes as its operand a numeric code and derives a function which isn’t really considered to be part of the APL language – for example: something which could be experimental, which might provide access to parts of the interpreter that should only be accessed with care, or may set up specific conditions within the interpreter to help in testing. Principally, I-Beam functions exist for internal use within Dyalog but as of version 15.0 there are 55 I-Beam functions that are published and available for general use. How on earth are you supposed to remember all the different codes?

To an extent, you are not. It is perhaps no bad thing that they are a little difficult to remember: I-Beam functions are experimental, liable to be changed or even removed and should be used with care. The codes appear to be somewhat random partly because they are somewhat random – mostly selected on the whim of the developer who implemented the function. However, some codes were chosen less randomly than others – quite a few are grouped so that I-Beams that provide related functionality appear consecutively or at least close together but the most interesting ones are “named” – or, at least, given a numeric code that is derived from a name or otherwise memorable value. So here are some of those unofficial mnemonics that may help you better remember them too.

A favourite trick for deriving a code from a meaningful name is to devise a name containing the letters I, V, X, L, C, D and M, and then convert that into a number as if it were a Roman numeral. Thus:

  • “Inverted table IndeX of” is abbreviated to IIX, which is I-Beam 8
  • “Syntax Colouring” rather awkwardly becomes “Cyntax Colouring”, thence CC and I-Beam 200
  • “Called Monadically” is CM, or 900
  • “Memory Manager” is MM – I-Beam 2000
  • “Line Count” is LC, or rather L,C – 50100

Another favourite is to use numbers that look or sound like something else:

  • The compression I-Beam is 219, which looks a bit like “ZIP”
  • The case folding I-Beam is 819, or “BIg”
  • When support for function trains was in development an I-Beam was used to switch between different implementations – 1060, or “lOCO[motive]” (this I-Beam is no longer in use)
  • The number of parallel threads I-Beam is 1111 – four parallel lines
  • The fork I-Beam is 4000: 4000 is 4K; “Four K” said very quickly might sound like “Fork”

For others the function is associated, or can be associated, with something already numeric:

  • The I-Beam to update function timestamps is 1159 – a memorable time
  • The I-Beam to delete the content in unused pockets is 127 – the same as the ASCII code for the delete character
  • The draft JSON standard is RFC 7159 and support for it is implemented as 7159⌶
  • The now-deprecated I-Beam to switch between Random Number Generator algorithms is 16807 – the default value used to derive the random seed in a clear workspace

Tips for the use of I-Beam functions

  • Do not use I-Beam functions directly in application code – always encapsulate their use in cover-functions that can quickly be modified to protect your application in the event that Dyalog should change the behaviour of, or withdraw, an I-Beam function.
  • Do not use I-Beam functions that are not documented by Dyalog in the Language Reference or elsewhere – those designed to test the interpreter may have undesirable side effects.
  • Do let Dyalog know if you find an I-Beam function particularly useful and/or have suggestions for its development. Some new features are initially implemented as I-Beam functions to allow such feedback to shape their final design.

Shuffle Faster Please!

Andy reported that in the shuffle QA some functions take a long time:

m9249   “4½ days so far”
rankop  21.5 hours
m12466  26.3 hours
points  7.2 hours

Background: Shuffle QA is an intensification of the normal QA. The suite of over 1800 QA functions is run under shuffle, whereby every getspace (memory allocation) is followed by every APL array in the workspace being shifted (“shuffled”) and by a simple workspace integrity check. The purpose is to uncover memory reads/writes which are rendered unsafe by events which in normal operations are rare.


m9249 tests +\[a], ×\[a], ⌈\[a], and ⌊\[a]. It ran in under 3 seconds in normal operations; for it to take more than 4½ days under shuffle, getspace is clearly the dominant resource and hereafter we focus on that.

m9249 used expressions like:

assert (+⍀x) ≡ {⍺+⍵}⍀x

Since {⍺+⍵} is not recognized by the scan operator and therefore not supported by special code, {⍺+⍵}⍀x is done by the general O(n*2) algorithm for scans, AND on each scalar the operand {⍺+⍵} is invoked and a getspace is done. The improved, faster QA does this:

F ← {1≥≢⍵:⍵ ⋄ x ⍪ (¯1↑⍵) ⍺⍺⍨ ¯1↑x←⍺⍺ ∇∇ ¯1↓⍵}
assert (+⍀x) ≡ +F x

With such a change, the faster m9249 runs in 22 minutes under shuffle instead of over 4½ days, without any reduction in coverage.

The number of getspace are as follows: +⍀x takes O(1). The second expression {⍺+⍵}⍀x does ×\1↓⍴x separate scans, and each one takes O((≢x)*2) getspace; the total is therefore O(((≢x)*2)××/1↓⍴x) ←→ O((≢x)××/⍴x). The third expression +F is linear in ≢x and is therefore O(≢x) in the number of getspace. In m9249 the largest x has size 33 5 7. The following table shows the orders of complexity and what they imply for this largest x:

+⍀x O(1) 1
{⍺+⍵}⍀x O((≢x)××/⍴x) 38115 = 33 × ×/ 33 5 7
+F x O(≢x) 33

The ratio between 38115 and 33 goes a long way towards explaining why the time to run m9249 under shuffle was over 4½ days and is now 22 minutes. (Why does m9249 still take 22 minutes? It tests for the four functions + × ⌈ ⌊, for various axes, for different datatypes, and for different axis lengths.)


Another shuffle sluggard rankop took 47 hours. rankop tests expressions of the form f⍤r⊢yand x f⍤r⊢y for various functions f. The techniques used for reducing the number of getspace differ from function to function. We look at x↑⍤r⊢y as an illustration.

assert (4↑⍤1⊢y) ≡ 4{⍺↑⍵}⍤1⊢y

⍴y was 2 7 1 8 2 8. The expression took 7.6e¯5 seconds normally and 7.5 seconds under shuffle. The left hand side requires O(1) getspace, the right hand side O(×/¯1↓⍴x). The expression was changed to:

assert (4↑⍤1⊢y) ≡ 2 7 1 8 2 4↑y

Feels like cheating, doesn’t it? 🙂 The new expression takes 0.115 seconds under shuffle.


m12466 tests n⌈/[a]x (and n⌊/[a]x). Previously, it did this by comparing n⌈/[a]x against n{⍺⌈⍵}/[a]x for x with shape 7 17 13 11, for each of the four axes, for two different values of n, and for the 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-byte numeric datatypes. It required 5238426 getspace and 26.3 hours to run under shuffle.


F is a dyadic operator. The left operand ⍺⍺ is or ; the right operand ⍵⍵ is the axis; and n(⌈ F a)x is the same as n⌈/[a]x. n(⌈ F a)x mainly does n⌈⌿x; other axes are handled by transposing the axis of interest to be the first, then doing n⌈⌿x, then transposing the axes back into the required order. n(⌈ F a)x is much more complicated than n{⍺⌈⍵}/[a]x but has the advantage of using only O(1) getspace.

The revamped m12466 function uses 13717 getspace and 2 minutes to run under shuffle.


points is a function to test monadic format () for different values of ⎕pp.

points←{⍺←17 ⋄ ⎕pp←⍺
  tt←{(⌽∨\⌽⍵≠⍺)/⍵}                   ⍝ trim trailing ⍺s.    
  ~0∊∘.{                             ⍝ all pairs (⍳⍵)       
    num←'0'tt↑,/⍕¨⍺'.'⍵              ⍝ eg '9.3'             
    num≡⍕⍎num                        ⍝ check round trip     

The expression is 14 15 16 17 points¨ 100, meaning that for each of the 100 numbers num as text,

  1.1   1.2   1.3   1.4   1.5     1.100
  2.1   2.2   2.3   2.4   2.5     2.100
  3.1   3.2   3.3   3.4   3.5 ... 3.100
 99.1  99.2  99.3  99.4  99.5    99.100
100.1 100.2 100.3 100.4 100.5   100.100

a “round-trip” num≡⍕⍎num is evaluated. The expression requires 1.3 million getspace and 7.2 hours to run under shuffle.

A much more efficient version with respect to getspace is possible. Let x be a vector. ⍕¨x requires O(≢x) getspace; ⍕x requires O(1) getspace and, like ⍕¨x, formats each individual element of x independently.

  tt←{(⌽∨\⌽⍵≠⍺)/⍵}                   ⍝ trim trailing ⍺s     
  x←1↓∊(' ',¨s,¨'.')∘.,'0'tt¨s←⍕¨⍳⍵  ⍝ numbers as text      
  {⎕pp←⍵ ⋄ x≡⍕y}¨⍺                   ⍝ check round trip     

14 15 16 17 points1 100 requires 11050 getspace and less than 2 minutes to run under shuffle.

What to do?

Andy says that the shuffle QA takes over 2000 hours (!). The shuffle sluggards will be tackled as done here by using more parsimonious APL expressions to compare against the aspect being QA-ed. Going forward, a new QA function will be run under shuffle as it is being developed. The developers will be unlikely to tolerate a running time of 4½ days.

Loops, Folds and Tuples

Given an initial state defined by a number of variables, a for-loop iterates through its argument array modifying the state.

    A←... ⋄ B←... ⋄ C←...       ⍝ initial state
    :For item :In items         ⍝ iterating through array "items"
        A←A ... item            ⍝ new value for A depending on item
        C←C ... A ... item      ⍝ new value for C depending on A and item
        ...                     ⍝ state updated
    A B C                       ⍝ final state

In the above example the state comprises just three variables. In general, it may be arbitrarily complex, as can the interactions between its various components within the body of the loop.

Dfns don’t have for-loops. Instead, we can use reduction (or “fold”) with an accumulating vector “tuple” of values representing the state. Here is the D-equivalent of the above code:

    ⊃{                      ⍝ next item is ⍺
        (A B C)←⍵           ⍝ named items of tuple ⍵
        A∆←A ... ⍺          ⍝ new value for A depending on item ⍺
        C∆←C ... A∆ ... ⍺   ⍝ new value for C depending on A∆ and item ⍺
        ...                 ⍝ ...
        A∆ B C∆             ⍝ "successor" tuple (A and C changed)
    }/(⌽items),⊂A B C       ⍝ for each item and initial state tuple A B C

In this coding, the accumulating tuple arrives as the right argument (⍵) of the operand function, with the next “loop item” on the left (⍺). Notice how the items vector is reversed (⌽items) so that the items arrive in index-order in the right-to-left reduction.

If you prefer your accumulator to be on the left, you can replace the primitive reduction operator (/) with Phil Last’s foldl operator, which also presents its loop items in index-order:

    foldl←{⊃⍺⍺⍨/(⌽⍵),⊂⍺}    ⍝ fold left


    A B C {                 ⍝ final state from initial state (left argument)
        (A B C)←⍺           ⍝ named items of tuple ⍺
        A∆←A ... ⍵          ⍝ new value for A depending on item ⍵
        C∆←C ... A∆ ... ⍵   ⍝ new value for C depending on A∆ and item ⍵
        A∆ B C∆             ⍝ successor tuple (A and C changed)
    } foldl items

If the number of elements in the state tuple is large, it can become unwieldy to name each on entry and exit to the operand function. In this case it simplifies the code to name the indices of the tuple vector, together with an at operator to denote the items of its successor:

    T ← (...) (...) ...         ⍝ intitial state tuple T
    A B C D ... ← ⍳⍴T           ⍝ A B C D ... are tuple item "names"

    T {                         ⍝ final state from initial state (left argument)
        A∆←(A⊃⍺) ... ⍵          ⍝ new value for A depending on item ⍵
        C∆←(C⊃⍺) ... A∆ ... ⍵   ⍝ new value for C depending on A∆ and item ⍵
        A∆ C∆(⊣at A C)⍺         ⍝ successor tuple (A and C changed)
    } foldl items


    at←{A⊣A[⍵⍵]←⍺ ⍺⍺(A←⍵)[⍵⍵]}   ⍝ (⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵) at ⍵⍵ in ⍵

There is some discussion about providing a primitive operator @ for at in Dyalog V16.

Function kk illustrates naming tuple elements (S E K Q) at the start of the operand function.
Function scc accesses tuple elements using named indices (C L X x S) and an at operator.

Tuples: a postscript
We might define a “tuple” in APL as a vector in which we think of each item as having a name, rather than an index position.

    bob         ⍝ Tuple: name gender age

    folk        ⍝ Vector of tuples
││Bob│M│39│││Carol│F│31│││Ted│M│31│││Alice│F│32││ ...

    ↓⍉↑ folk    ⍝ Tuple of vectors
│┌───┬─────┬───┬─────┬─   │MFMF ...│39 31 31 32 ...│
││Bob│Carol│Ted│Alice│ ...│        │               │
│└───┴─────┴───┴─────┴─   │        │               │

    ⍪∘↑¨ ↓⍉↑ folk   ⍝ Tuple of matrices
│Bob  │M│39│
│Ted  │M│31│
 ...   . ..

APLers sometimes talk about “inverted files”. In this sense, a “regular” file is a vector-of-tuples and an inverted file (or more recently: “column store”) is a tuple-of-vectors (or matrices).

Quicksort in APL Revisited

A message in the Forum inquired on sorting strings in APL with a custom comparison function.

First, sorting strings without a custom comparison function obtains with a terse expression:

      {⍵[⍋↑⍵]} 'syzygy' 'boustrophedon' 'kakistocracy' 'chthonic'

Sorting strings with a custom comparison function can also be accomplished succinctly by simple modifications to the Quicksort function

Q←{1≥≢⍵:⍵ ⋄ S←{⍺⌿⍨⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵} ⋄ ⍵((∇<S)⍪=S⍪(∇>S))⍵⌷⍨?≢⍵}

in a Dyalog blog post in 2014. A version that accepts a comparison function operand is:

QS←{1≥≢⍵:⍵ ⋄ (∇ ⍵⌿⍨0>s),(⍵⌿⍨0=s),∇ ⍵⌿⍨0<s←⍵ ⍺⍺¨ ⍵⌷⍨?≢⍵}

The operand function ⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵ is required to return ¯1, 0, or 1, according to whether is less than, equal to, or greater than . In QS, the phrase s←⍵ ⍺⍺¨ ⍵⌷⍨?≢⍵ compares each element of against a randomly chosen pivot ⍵⌷⍨?≢⍵; the function then applies recursively to the elements of which are less than the pivot (0>s) and those which are greater than the pivot (0<s).

Example with numbers:

      (×-)QS 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 97 9
1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 8 9 9 97


Example with strings:

      strcmp←{⍺≡⍵:0 ⋄ ¯1*</⍋↑⍺ ⍵}

      'syzygy' strcmp 'syzygy'
      'syzygy' strcmp 'eleemosynary'
      'syzygy' strcmp 'zumba'

      strcmp QS 'syzygy' 'boustrophedon' 'kakistocracy' 'chthonic'

A more efficient string comparison function is left as an exercise for the reader. 🙂

Response to Feedback on Cut, Under and Merge

At Dyalog ’15 John Scholes and I presented proposals for future operators cut, under, and merge. Following the release of the video of this presentation, we received some feedback from a user. Our response to the feedback may be of wider interest.

  1. It’s early days yet for cut, under, and merge (they are tentatively planned for release in version 16.0), and one of the reasons for that is so that we can receive feedback from the user community. So thank you for your comments.
  2. We take our inspiration from many sources, and while it’s true that J has cut, under, and merge, cut saw the light of day in Rationalized APL (1983), under in Operators and Functions (1978), and merge in Rationalized APL (1983) again. And even before that, the ideas have been in mathematics or functional programming for many years.Wherever the inspiration came from, we don’t take them just on faith, just because they are in J.Even now, even in these early days, cut, under, and merge have undergone a vigorous internal debate. The discussion is informed by the experience in other contexts, J or otherwise.
  3. We are interested in what you think are the “few fundamental ideas expressed by a handful of mathematical symbols”, what you say is the definition of APL. From our perspective we have not violated and will not violate what we think are the fundamental ideas. But perhaps our set of fundamental ideas differ from yours?
  4. No one here is thinking of adopting the J spelling scheme (with the dots and colons).
  5. The Dyalog development team are in unanimous agreement that dfns, ⍺⍵-functions, are A Good Thing. As we see it, the recent and proposed additions to Dyalog APL have only enhanced the elegance and utility of dfns. For example, {(+⌿⍵)÷≢⍵}⍤r to compute the mean of not just vectors but subarrays of a specified rank, {⍺⍵}⌸ to compute the unique keys and the corresponding indices, {⍺(+⌿⍵)}⌸ to compute the unique keys and corresponding sums, and {⊂Cut ¯2⊢⍵,','}Cut ¯2 ⊢x~⎕av[4] to partition CSV x into its columns and cells.
  6. Cut, under, and merge are described and documented in discussion papers accompanying the video. If you have not already read them, they can be found in the Dyalog ’15 webpage and specifically here. Please tell us what more can be done as far as documentation, and what parts specifically are unclear.
  7. We have previously (and recently) examined the question of adding quaternions to Dyalog. Currently there are no plans to add them.
  8. Finally, examples of under from everyday life. Of course the processes involved can be composed, so that for example “dinner” can be:
    open the fridge
        take the food
    close the fridge

    but it can also be a more elaborate:

    take plate from cupboard
        open the fridge
            take the food
        close the fridge
        put food on plate
            open mouth
                put food in mouth
            close mouth
        clean plate
    put plate back into cupboard

    As remarked in the Dyalog ’15 presentation, once you are attuned to it you can see under everywhere, sometimes in subtle ways: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.