Displaying cross-references with SharpPlot

Requirements: Update SharpPlot to v3.37 from my.dyalog.com > Downloads > Tools & Interfaces > GUI Tools > SharpPlot

SharpPlot v3.37 introduces Network Maps as a new chart type, and we’re going to use it to display the output of the ]XRef user command, which displays cross-references between all kinds of APL names :

      ]XRef ⎕SE.Parser
 [FNS]        - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - - 
 Parse       G.GG○G G GGGG. . . : . ○F.G.G:○○○○○! . ○GGF.○. .○F ○ .○. . ○!○○○G○○! : .○○○○ F :○○○○○○ ○ : ○○.F! . 
 Propagate    ○ . . . : . . . . : . . G . : . .○. . : . . . . : . . .○. : . . . . : . . .○. ○○. . . . :○. . . . 
 Quotes       . . . . : . . . . : . ○ . . : . . . . : . . . .○: .○. . ○ : . . . . ○ . . . . ○ . . .○. : . . . . 
 Switch       . G . . : . . . . : . . G .G: . . . . : . ○ . . : . . . . : . . . . : ○ .○. . : . . . . :○. . . . 
 deQuote      . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . :○○ . . . : . . . . : . . . . ○ . . . . : . . . . 
 fixCase      . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . .○. 
 if           . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . 
 init        G.G. G GGGGGGFGGGGGGGGG.F.GF :○. .○. ○ : . . ○○F F . ○ ○ ○○: . .G. . : . . . .F: . . . . F . GF. . 
 splitParms   . . . . : . . . . : . ○ . . : . . .○.○: . . . . : . . . ○ : .○○ ○ ○○:○. .○. . : . .○. .○: . . . . 
 sqz          . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . .○. . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . .○. . : . . . . : . . .○. 
 upperCase    . . .G. : . . . . : . . . . G . .○. . : . . . .○: . . . . : . . . . : . .○. . : . . . . : . . .○. 
 xCut         . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . .○○ 

We can capture the output of the user command by doing either
]mat←XRef ⎕SE.Parser (from session)
mat←⎕SE.UCMD']XRef ⎕SE.Parser' (from code)

Until Dyalog v16.0 (which has ]XRef -raw), we need to parse the output of ]XRef to get a square link matrix, along with the full list of nodes (in row/column order of the matrix) and list of original rows (functions).

    ∇ (mat nodes rows)←GetMatrix mat;nodelabs;rows;cols;labs;cat;diag
      (rows mat)←2↑(1,2</∧⌿mat=' ')⊂[2]mat        ⍝ cut at empty column
      (cols mat)←2↑(1,2<⌿∧/mat∊' -:')⊂[1]mat      ⍝ cut at - - - - : - - - -
      mat←1↓[1](' '∨.≠mat)/mat                    ⍝ trim first row and empty columns
      rows←~∘' '¨↓(-1⊃⍴mat)↑[1]rows               ⍝ row titles (list of strings)
      cols←~∘' .:'¨↓(-2⊃⍴mat)↑[1]⍉cols            ⍝ col titles (list of strings)
      nodes←rows∪cols                             ⍝ all titles
      mat←((mat,' ')⍪' ')[rows⍳nodes;cols⍳nodes]  ⍝ square matrix of nodes

Now let’s wrap the SharpPlot initialisation into a single function that uses the .NET version if available and falls back to the cross-platform APL workspace if not:

    ∇ {dotnet}←Init
      :If dotnet←(,'W')≡3⊃'.'⎕WG'APLVersion'
          ⍝ .Net assembly (windows only)
          ⎕USING←',sharpplot.dll' ',system.drawing.dll'
          ⍝ APL workspace (all platforms)
          :If 0=⎕NC'Causeway'   ⍝ copy workspace only once

Then we can write a platform-independent function that returns the SharpPlot instance with the chart drawn on it. We split nodes into two categories, functions and globals (ignoring locals and labels) and split links by destination node. By default, DrawNetworkMap lays out node categories on co-centric circles. Also, because the graph is uni-directional, we can afford to use straight links without damaging readability:

    ∇ sp←name Plot(mat nodes rows);catlabs;nodecat
      sp←⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot
      catlabs←'Function' 'Global'    ⍝ links are split by destination node
      nodecat←(≢nodes)⍴0             ⍝ ignored by default
      ((∨⌿mat∊'FR*')/nodecat)←1      ⍝ functions
      ((∨⌿mat∊'G')/nodecat)←2        ⍝ globals
      ((nodes∊rows)/nodecat)←1       ⍝ caller functions
      sp.SetMargins 40 30 30 30
      sp.SetILabelFont'Arial' 6 System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold System.Drawing.Color.Black
      sp.SetColors⊂System.Drawing.Color.(SkyBlue LightCoral)
      sp.SetMarkers Causeway.Marker.Ball
      sp.SetMarkerScales 2
      sp.SetLineStyles Causeway.LineStyle.Solid
      sp.SetPenWidths 0.5
      sp.SetNetworkMapLinkArc 0         ⍝ straight lines
      sp.SetArrowStyle 5                ⍝ fixed-size arrows
      sp.SplitBy nodecat catlabs
      sp.DrawNetworkMap⊂↓(mat∊'GFR*')   ⍝ use a single width for all valid links

We can then save the graph as SVG to a file (here we use the SvgMode that scales the SVG to fit its container):
sp.SaveSvg 'XRef.svg' Causeway.SvgMode.FixedAspect

Or, if feeding a web server or renderer, we can grab the SVG as a single string without writing to disk:
svg←sp.RenderSvg Causeway.SvgMode.FixedAspect

Windows users will be able to use the SharpPlot Viewer:
vw←⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlotViewer sp
vw.Show ⍬


More examples of Network Maps can be found on the SharpPlot.com website in the Network Map Tutorials. To translate C# examples into APL, you can refer to the SharpPlot Rosetta Stone.

Charting Reaction Times on the Raspberry Pi

Earlier this week I collected some reaction timer data on my Pi using the BBC micro:bit as an input device. I only produced an “ASCII art” chart at the time:

251 305 294 415 338 298 294 251 378
      ReactionTimer.AsciiChart times
400|    * 
375|         *
325|     * 
300|  * 
275|   *  ** 
250+ *      * 

Retro is back in style – but of course I should point out that we can produce “proper” graphics using SharpPlot, a cross-platform graphics package that is included with Dyalog APL on all platforms. I’ve enhanced the ReactionTimer namespace with a function called SPHistogram. If you are using RIDE as the front end to APL on the Pi, this will render output from SharpPlot in a window:

    ReactionTimer.SPHistogram times

Reaction Time Histogram

The original ASCII chart simply plotted the observations in the order that they occurred. Above, the shaded areas show how many observations there were in each bucket (2 between 250ms and 275ms, 3 between 275ms and 300ms, and so on). At the same time, the individual observations can be seen along the X axis as vertical red lines. It is a little unfortunate that, presumably due to some artifact of the timing process, the values 251 and 294 occur twice – and these lines are drawn on top of each other.

The example highlights one of the things that makes SharpPlot a bit special: We have overlaid a histogram showing the frequency of reactions in each bucket, and used a “scatterplot” to where the Y value is always 0, to mark the individual observations along the X axis.

     ∇ SPHistogram times;heading;renderHtml;sp;svg;z 
[1]   heading←'Reaction Times' 
[2]   renderHtml←3500⌶ ⍝ Render HTML in Window 
[4]   :If 0=⎕NC'#.SharpPlot' ⋄ #.⎕CY'sharpplot.dws' ⋄ :EndIf
[6]   sp←⎕NEW #.SharpPlot(432 250) 
[7]   sp.Heading←heading 
[9]   ⍝ Draw histogram 
[10]  sp.ClassInterval←25 
[11]  sp.SetXTickMarks 25 
[12]  sp.HistogramStyle←#.HistogramStyles.SurfaceShading 
[13]  sp.SetFillStyles #.FillStyle.Opacity30 
[14]  sp.DrawHistogram⊂times 
[16]  ⍝ Add observations using ScatterPlot 
[17]  sp.SetMarkers #.Marker.UpTick 
[18]  sp.SetPenWidths 1 
[19]  sp.SetMarkerScales 3 
[20]  sp.DrawScatterPlot(times×0)(times) 
[22]  ⍝ Render SVG and display in window 
[23]  svg←sp.RenderSvg #.SvgMode.FixedAspect 
[24]  z←heading renderHtml svg 

Hopefully the code is more or less self-explanatory, but if you’d like to learn more about SharpPlot there is excellent documentation at http://sharpplot.com. The documentation is actually written for C# users, but there is an illustration of how to translate the documentation to APL (and VB) at http://www.sharpplot.com/Languages.htm.

News from Causeway – SharpLeaf (Alpha Preview Now Available)

For more than 20 years, Causeway has been developing APL tools to produce automated publication-quality graphics and typesetting. They differ from most modern technologies on mainly two points:

  • The API philosophy is to keep it simple and clean rather than complex and dirty, so that neat output can be generated with the bare minimum of coding
  • The implementation is a forward-going state machine, so that arbitrarily complex inclusions can be created instead of having the engine restricted by the object hierarchy

Following the emergence of the .NET platform in the 2000s, these products were fully refactored into a single package called SharpPlot; this is delivered both as a cross-platform APL workspace and as a stand-alone .NET assembly that can be used outside the APL world. The major benefit of doing this was that 20 years of patched-in functionality could be incorporated into a more consistent and better documented API (see http://www.sharpplot.com) – a side-effect is that the .NET assembly generally performs an order of magnitude faster than its APL counterpart.

SharpPlot, which has until now only comprised the chart generation engine (refactored RainPro product) now also includes SharpLeaf (refactored NewLeaf product).

Page from a sample report

Sample report page (click to enlarge)

The main features of SharpLeaf are:

  • Document Layout: a set of master pages defining paper size and rules for and color, boxes, images, fixed or parameterised text (for example, page number and date) etc.
  • Paragraph Styles (word processing): fine typesetting control over the text flow (font, alignment, spacing, indents, bullets, etc.)
  • Tables (spreadsheet processing): fine control over tabular presentation of data, including multi-page tables
  • Inclusions: text flow around objects such as images, charts, tables, dropped capitals or blank space

SharpPlot version 2.70 includes the first (alpha) version of SharpLeaf. SharpLeaf should be considered as being in its alpha stage (its API could change) with a GA release scheduled to be included with SharpPlot version 3.00 (due Q3 2015). Users are encouraged to try this alpha product and not only report any bugs but also provide feedback on the API and request enhancements. Please note that the SharpPlot engine is not expected to suffer any bugs with the addition of SharpLeaf as it is an independent product.

The alpha version can be requested by sending an email to support@dyalog.com