2019 APL Problem Solving Competition: Phase I Problems Sample Solutions

The following are my attempts at the Phase I problems of the 2019 APL Problem Solving Competition. There are not necessarily “right answers” as personal style and taste come into play. More explanation of the code is provided here than common practice. All solutions pass all the tests specified in the official problem description.

1. Chunky Monkey

Write a function that, given a scalar or vector as the right argument and a positive (>0) integer chunk size n as the left argument, breaks the array’s items up into chunks of size n. If the number of elements in the array is not evenly divisible by n, then the last chunk will have fewer than n elements.

💡Hint: The partitioned enclose function could be helpful for this problem.


Basically, the problem is to construct an appropriate boolean left argument to. For this the reshape function ⍺⍴⍵ is apt, which repeats the items of up to length .

   9 ⍴ 1 0 0                     (9 ⍴ 1 0 0) ⊂ 'ABCDEFGHI'
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0             ┌───┬───┬───┐

   11 ⍴ 1 0 0                    (11 ⍴ 1 0 0) ⊂ 'ABCDEFGHIJK'
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0         ┌───┬───┬───┬──┐

2. Making the Grade

Score Range Letter Grade
0-64 F
65-69 D
70-79 C
80-89 B
90-100 A

Write a function that, given an array of integer test scores in the inclusive range 0–100, returns an identically-shaped array of the corresponding letter grades according to the table to the left.

💡Hint: You may want to investigate the interval index function.

   f2← {'FDCBA'[0 65 70 80 90⍸⍵]}

For example:

   range← 0 65 70 80 90
   score← 0 65 89 64 75 100

   range ⍸ score                      range ⍸ 2 3⍴score
1 2 4 1 3 5                        1 2 4
                                   1 3 5
   'FDCBA'[1 2 4 1 3 5]               'FDCBA'[2 3⍴1 2 4 1 3 5]
FDBFCA                             FDB
    f2 score                          f2 2 3⍴score
FDBFCA                             FDB

The examples on the right illustrate that the functionsand [] extend consistently to array arguments.

In APL, functions take array arguments, and so too indexing takes array arguments, including the indices (the “subscripts”). This property is integral to the template

   Y indexing (X index ⍵)


X   domain for looking things up
Y range where you want to end up; “aliases” corresponding to X
index a function to do the looking up, such asor
indexing   a function to do indexing into X , such as [] or or (dyadic)

3. Grade Distribution

Given a non-empty character vector of single-letter grades, produce a 3-column, 5-row, alphabetically-sorted matrix of each grade, the number of occurrences of that grade, and the percentage (rounded to 1 decimal position) of the total number of occurrences of that grade. The table should have a row for each grade even if there are no occurrences of a grade. Note: due to rounding the last column might not total 100%.

💡Hint: The key operator could be useful for this problem.


The result of f⌸ is ordered by the unique major cells in the keys. If a particular order is required, or if a particular set of keys is required (even when some keys don’t occur in the argument), the computation can be effected by prefacing keys to the argument (here ,⍨a←'ABCDF') and then applying an inverse function (here ¯1+) to the result of .

For the key operator, in particular cases, for example the letter distribution in a corpus of English text, the universe of letters and their ordering are known (A-Z); in principle, it is not possible to “know” the complete universe of keys, or their ordering.

The function f3x illustrates the complications. f3 is the same as above; extra spaces are inserted into both functions to facilitate comparison.

   f3 ← {a,   k,1⍕⍪100×k÷+⌿k←¯1+{≢⍵}⌸⍵⍪⍨a←'ABCDF'}
   f3x← {(∪⍵),k,1⍕⍪100×k÷+⌿k←   {≢⍵}⌸⍵           }

   ⊢ g1← 9 3 8 4 7/'DABFC'

   f3x g1                            f3 g1
D 9  29.0                         A 3   9.7
A 3   9.7                         B 8  25.8
B 8  25.8                         C 7  22.6
F 4  12.9                         D 9  29.0
C 7  22.6                         F 4  12.9
   ⊢ g2← ('F'≠grade)⌿grade

   f3x g2                            f3 g2
D 9  33.3                         A 3  11.1
A 3  11.1                         B 8  29.6
B 8  29.6                         C 7  25.9
C 7  25.9                         D 9  33.3
                                  F 0   0.0

4. Knight Moves

│1 1│1 2│1 3│1 4│1 5│1 6│1 7│1 8│
│2 1│2 2│2 3│2 4│2 5│2 6│2 7│2 8│
│3 1│3 2│3 3│3 4│3 5│3 6│3 7│3 8│
│4 1│4 2│4 3│4 4│4 5│4 6│4 7│4 8│
│5 1│5 2│5 3│5 4│5 5│5 6│5 7│5 8│
│6 1│6 2│6 3│6 4│6 5│6 6│6 7│6 8│
│7 1│7 2│7 3│7 4│7 5│7 6│7 7│7 8│
│8 1│8 2│8 3│8 4│8 5│8 6│8 7│8 8│
  Consider a chess board as an 8×8 matrix with square (1 1) in the upper left corner and square (8 8) in the lower right corner. For those not familiar with the game a chess, the knight, generally depicted as a horse (♞), can move 2 spaces right or left and then 1 space up or down, or 2 spaces up or down and then 1 space right or left. For example, this means that a knight on the square (5 4) can move to any of the underscored squares.

Given a 2-element vector representing the current square for a knight, return a vector of 2-element vectors representing (in any order) all the squares that the knight can move to.

💡Hint: The outer product operator ∘. could be useful for generating the coordinates.

   f4← {↓(∧/q∊⍳8)⌿q←⍵+⍤1⊢(3=+/|t)⌿t←↑,∘.,⍨¯2 ¯1 1 2}

f4 derives as follows: First, generate all 16 combinations t of moves involving 1 and 2 steps, left and right and up and down, then select move combinations which total exactly 3 squares regardless of direction.

   (3=+/|t)⌿t←↑,∘.,⍨¯2 ¯1 1 2
¯2 ¯1
¯2  1
¯1 ¯2
¯1  2
 1 ¯2
 1  2
 2 ¯1
 2  1

The resultant 8-row matrix (call this mv) is added to, the coordinates of the current square, and then pruned to discard squares which fall outside of the chess board. The following examples illustrate the computation for ⍵≡5 4 and ⍵≡1 2 :

   mv←(3=+/|t)⌿t←↑,∘.,⍨¯2 ¯1 1 2

   ⊢ q←5 4+⍤1⊢mv                             ⊢ q←1 2+⍤1⊢mv
3 3                                       ¯1 1
3 5                                       ¯1 3
4 2                                        0 0
4 6                                        0 4
6 2                                        2 0
6 6                                        2 4
7 3                                        3 1
7 5                                        3 3

   ↓(∧/q∊⍳8)⌿q                               ↓(∧/q∊⍳8)⌿q
┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐         ┌───┬───┬───┐
│3 3│3 5│4 2│4 6│6 2│6 6│7 3│7 5│         │2 4│3 1│3 3│
└───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘         └───┴───┴───┘

An alterative solution is to precomputing an 8×8 table of the possible knight moves for each chess square, and then picking from the table:

   f4i← (f4¨ ⍳8 8) ⊃⍨ ⊂

The table look-up version would be more efficient in situations (such as in the Knight’s Tour puzzle) where the knight moves are computed repeatedly.

5. Doubling Up

Given a word or a list of words, return a Boolean vector where 1 indicates a word with one or more consecutive duplicated, case-sensitive, letters. Each word will have at least one letter and will consist entirely of either uppercase (A-Z) or lowercase (a-z) letters. Words consisting of a single letter can be scalars.

💡Hint: The nest functioncould be useful.

   f5← (∨⌿2=⌿' ',⊢)¨∘⊆

A solution obtains by solving it for one word and then applying it to each word via the each operator. Since a single word argument can be a string of letters, and we don’t want to apply the single word solution to each letter, that argument must first be converted in an enclosed word with nest. Thus the overall solution is of the form f¨∘⊆.

For a single word, what is required is to detect consecutive duplicate letters, whence the operator 2=⌿⍵ is apt.

   2 =⌿ 'bookkeeper'                  2 =⌿ 'radar'
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0                  0 0 0 0

   ∨⌿ 2 =⌿ 'bookkeeper'               ∨⌿ 2 =⌿ 'radar'
1                                  0

As usual, the link function {⍺⍵} can be used as a generic dyadic operand function to gain additional insight into the workings of an operator:

   2 {⍺⍵}⌿ 'bookkeeper'               2 {⍺⍵}⌿ 'radar'
┌──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┐       ┌──┬──┬──┬──┐
│bo│oo│ok│kk│ke│ee│ep│pe│er│       │ra│ad│da│ar│
└──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┘       └──┴──┴──┴──┘

2 f⌿⍵ signals error on single-item arguments; moreover, it is problematic to compare a single letter against itself. Both problems are finessed by first prefacing the argument with a space ' '.

In f5, the train (∨⌿2=⌿' ',⊢) can also be written as the equivalent dfn {∨⌿2=⌿' ',⍵} as a matter of personal style. The display of a train does provide more information about how it is structured than the display of a dfn.

   (∨⌿2=⌿' ',⊢)                       {∨/2=⌿' ',⍵}
┌─────┬─────────────────┐          {∨⌿2=⌿' ',⍵}
│└─┴─┘││ ││=│⌿│││ │,│⊢│││
│     ││ │└─┴─┘│└─┴─┴─┘││
│     │└─┴─────┴───────┘│

6. Telephone Names

│    │ABC│DEF │
│ 1  │ 2 │ 3  │
│ 4  │ 5 │ 6  │
│ 7  │ 8 │ 9  │
│    │   │    │
│ *  │ 0 │ #  │
  Some telephone keypads have letters of the alphabet embossed on their keytops. Some people like to remember phone numbers by converting them to an alphanumeric form using one of the letters on the corresponding key. For example, in the keypad shown, 'ALSMITH' would correspond to the number 257-6484 and '1DYALOGBEST' would correspond to 1-392-564-2378. Write an APL function that takes a character vector right argument that consists of digits and uppercase letters and returns an integer vector of the corresponding digits on the keypad.

💡Hint: Your solution might make use of the membership function .

   f6← {(⍵⍸⍨⎕d,'ADGJMPTW')-9*⍵∊⎕a}

Letters and digits alike are mapped to integer indices using the interval index function, which neatly handles the irregularly-sized intervals (see problem 2 above). The indices are then decremented by 9 for letters and by 1 for digits.

The expression 9*⍵∊⎕a illustrates a common technique in APL used to implement array logic, effecting control flow without using control structures or explicit branching. In the following, c and d are scalars (usually numbers) and is a boolean array.

c*⍵ c whereis 1 and 1 whereis 0.
c×⍵ c whereis 1 and 0 whereis 0.
c+⍵×d-c   c whereis 0 and d whereis 1.
(c,d)[1+⍵]   Same as c+⍵×d-c, but c and d can be any scalars. The 1+ is omitted if the index origin ⎕io is 0.

7. In the Center of It All

Given a right argument of a list of words (or possibly a single word) and a left argument of a width, return a character matrix that has width columns and one row per word, with each word is centered within the row. If width is smaller than the length of a word, truncate the word from the right. If there are an odd number of spaces to center within, leave the extra space on the right.

💡Hint: The mixand rotatefunctions will probably be useful here.

   f7← {(⌈¯0.5×0⌈⍺-≢¨⍵)⌽↑⍺↑¨⍵}∘⊆

As in problem 5, a prefatory application of nestconverts an argument of a single word into a more manageable standard of a list of words. Subsequently, the right argument is turned into a matrix, each row padded with spaces on the right (or truncated). Each row is then rotated so that the non-blank characters are centered. The finicky detail of an odd number of spaces is resolved by usingorin the calculation of the amounts of rotation.

8. Going the Distance

Given a vector of (X Y) points, or a single X Y point, determine the total distance covered when travelling in a straight line from the first point to the next one, and so on until the last point, then returning directly back to the start. For example, given the points

   (A B C)← (¯1.5 ¯1.5) (1.5 2.5) (1.5 ¯1.5)

the distance A to B is 5, B to C is 4 and C back to A is 3, for a total of 12.

💡Hint: The rotateand power * functions might be useful.

   f8← {+⌿ 2 {0.5*⍨+.×⍨⍺-⍵}⌿ ⍵⍪1↑⍵}

The result obtains by applying the distance function d←{0.5*⍨+.×⍨⍺-⍵} between pairs of points, taking care to return to the start.

As in problem 5, the expression 2 f⌿⍵ is just the ticket for working with consecutive items in the argument and, again, using the link function {⍺⍵} elucidates the workings of an operator:

   (A B C)← (¯1.5 ¯1.5) (1.5 2.5) (1.5 ¯1.5)

   2 {⍺⍵}⌿ A B C A
││¯1.5 ¯1.5│1.5 2.5│││1.5 2.5│1.5 ¯1.5│││1.5 ¯1.5│¯1.5 ¯1.5││
   2 d⌿ A B C A
5 4 3

   A d B              B d C              C d A
5                  4                   3

   f8 A B C

9. Area Code à la Gauss

Gauss’s area formula, also known as the shoelace formula, is an algorithm to calculate the area of a simple polygon (a polygon that does not intersect itself). It’s called the shoelace formula because of a common method using matrices to evaluate it. For example, the area of the triangle described by the vertices (2 4) (3 ¯8) (1 2) can be calculated by “walking around” the perimeter back to the first vertex, then drawing diagonals between the columns. The pattern created by the intersecting diagonals resembles shoelaces, hence the name “shoelace formula”.

💡Hint: You may want to investigate the rotate firstfunction.

First place the vertices in order above each other:
2 4
3 ¯8
1 2
2 4
Sum the products of the numbers connected by the diagonal lines going down and to the right:

2 4
3 ¯8
1 2
2 4
Next sum the products of the numbers connected by the diagonal lines going down and to the left:

2 4
3 ¯8
1 2
2 4

Finally, halve the absolute value of the difference between the two sums:

      0.5 × | ¯6 - 8
2 4
3 ¯8
1 2
2 4

Given a vector of (X Y) points, or a single X Y point, return a number indicating the area circumscribed by the points.

   f9← {0.5×|(+/×/¯1↓0 1⊖t)-+/×/1↓0 ¯1⊖t←↑(⊢,1∘↑)⊆⍵}

There is an alternative solution using the determinant function and the stencil operator  :

   )copy dfns det    ⍝ or  det← (-/)∘(×/)∘(0 1∘⊖)
   x← (2 4) (3 ¯8) (1 2)

   {det ⍵}⌺2 ↑x⍪1↑x
¯28 14 0

   2 ÷⍨| +/ {det ⍵}⌺2 ↑x⍪1↑x
   f9 x

Putting it together:

   f9a← {2÷⍨|+/ {det ⍵}⌺2 ↑⍵⍪1↑⍵}
   f9b← {2÷⍨ +/ {det ⍵}⌺2 ↑⍵⍪1↑⍵}

   f9a x
   f9b x
   f9b ⊖t

f9a computes the absolute area as specified by the problem. f9b computes the signed area by omitting the absolute value function | . Commonly, the signed area is positive if the vertices are ordered counterclockwise and is negative otherwise. See the Wikipedia article on polygons for more details.

Similar to 2 f⌿⍵ (problem 5), the workings of stencil can be elucidated by using {⊂⍵} as a generic monadic operand function:

   {⊂⍵}⌺2 ↑x⍪1↑x
│2  4│3 ¯8│1 2│
│3 ¯8│1  2│2 4│
   {det ⍵}⌺2 ↑x⍪1↑x
¯28 14 0

   det ↑ (2 4) (3 ¯8)       det ↑ (3 ¯8) (1 2)       det ↑ (1 2) (2 4)
¯28                      14                        0

10. Odds & Evens

Given a vector of words, separate the words into two vectors—one containing all the words that have an odd number of letters and the other containing all the words that have an even number of letters.

💡Hint: You may want to look into the dyadic form of the key operator.

   f10← 1 ↓¨ (1 0,2|≢¨) {⊂⍵}⌸ 1 0∘,

The solution is required to have exactly two items, words of odd lengths and words of even lengths. This required form is ensured by prefacing the left and right argument to key by 1 0, then dropping the first item from each of the resultant two parts. (See also problem 3 above.)

Editor’s Addendum: Phase II Questions

You can watch the 2019 Grand Prize Winner Jamin Wu’s Dyalog ’19 acceptance presentation and explanation of how he approached the phase II questions on Dyalog.tv.

2018 APL Problem Solving Competition: Phase I Problems Sample Solutions

The following are my attempts at the Phase I problems of the 2018 APL Problem Solving Competition. There are not necessarily “right answers” as personal style and taste come into play. More explanation of the code is provided here than common practice. All solutions pass all the tests specified in the official problem description.

The solutions for problems 1 and 3 are due to Brian Becker, judge and supremo of the competition. They are better than the ones I had originally.

1. Oh Say Can You See?

Given a vector or scalar of skyscraper heights, compute the number of skyscrapers which can be seen from the left. A skyscraper hides one further to the right of equal or lesser height.

   visible ← {≢∪⌈\⍵}

Proceeding from left to right, each new maximum obscures subsequent equal or lesser values. The answer is the number of unique maxima. A tacit equivalent is ≢∘∪∘(⌈\).

2. Number Splitting

Split a non-negative real number into the integer and fractional parts.

   split ← 0 1∘⊤

The function ⍺⊤⍵ encodes the number in the number system specified by numeric vector (the bases). For example, 24 60 60⊤sec expresses sec in hours, minutes, and seconds. Such expression obtains by repeated application of the process, starting from the right of : the next “digit” is the remainder of the number on division by a base, and the quotient of the division feeds into the division by the next base. Therefore, 0 1⊤⍵ divides by 1; the remainder of that division is the requisite fractional part and the quotient the integer part. That integer part is further divided by the next base, 0. In APL, remaindering by 0 is defined to be the identity function.

You can have a good argue about the philosophy (theology?) of division by 0, but the APL definition in the context of ⍺⊤⍵ gives practically useful results: A 0 in essentially says, whatever is left. For example, 0 24 60 60⊤sec expresses sec as days/hours/minutes/seconds.

3. Rolling Along

Given an integer vector or scalar representing a set of dice, produce a histogram of the possible totals that can be rolled.

   roll ← {{⍺('*'⍴⍨≢⍵)}⌸,+/¨⍳⍵}

   roll 5 3 4
3  *
4  ***
5  ******
6  *********
7  ***********
8  ***********
9  *********
10 ******
11 ***
12 *

⍳⍵ produces all possible rolls for the set of dice (the cartesian product of ⍳¨⍵) whence further application of +/¨ and then , produce a vector of all possible totals. With the vector of possible totals in hand, the required unique totals and corresponding histogram of the number of occurrences obtain readily with the key operator . (And rather messy without the key operator.) For each unique total, the operand function {⍺('*'⍴⍨≢⍵)} produces that total and a vector of * with the required number of repetitions.

The problem statement does not require it, but it would be nice if the totals are listed in increasing order. At first, I’d thought that the totals would need to be explicitly sorted to make that happen, but on further reflection realized that the unique elements of ,+/¨⍳⍵ (when produced by taking the first occurrence) are guaranteed to be sorted.

4. What’s Your Sign?

Find the Chinese zodiac sign for a given year.

   zodiac_zh ← {(1+12|⍵+0>⍵) ⊃ ' '(≠⊆⊢)' Monkey Rooster Dog Pig Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat'}

Since the zodiac signs are assigned in cycles of 12, the phrase 12| plays a key role in the solution. The residue (remainder) function | is inherently and necessarily 0-origin; the 1+ accounts for the 1-origin indexing required by the competition. Adding 0>⍵ overcomes the inconvenient fact that there is no year 0.

Essentials of the computation are brought into sharper relief if each zodiac sign is denoted by a single character:

   zzh ← {(1+12|⍵+0>⍵)⊃'猴雞狗豬鼠牛虎兔龍蛇馬羊'}

The Chinese Unicode characters were found using https://translate.google.com and then copied and pasted into the Dyalog APL session.

5. What’s Your Sign? Revisited

Find the Western zodiac sign for a given month and day.

     d←12 2⍴ 1 20  2 19  3 21  4 20  5 21  6 21  7 23  8 23  9 23  10 23  11 22  12 22
     s←13⍴' '(≠⊆⊢)' Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius'

For working with irregular-sized non-overlapping intervals, the pre-eminent function is , interval index. As with the Chinese zodiac, essentials of the computation are brought into sharper relief if each zodiac sign is denoted by a single character:

     d←12 2⍴ 1 20  2 19  3 21  4 20  5 21  6 21  7 23  8 23  9 23  10 23  11 22  12 22

The single-character signs, Unicode U+2648 to U+2653, were found by Google search and then confirmed by https://www.visibone.com/htmlref/char/cer09800.htm. It is possible that the single-character signs do not display correctly in your browser; the line of code can be expressed alternatively as (1+d⍸⍵)⊃13⍴⎕ucs 9800+12|8+⍳12.

6. What’s Your Angle?

Check that angle brackets are balanced and not nested.

   balanced ← {(∧/c∊0 1)∧0=⊃⌽c←+\1 ¯1 0['<>'⍳⍵]}

In APL, functions take array arguments, and so too indexing takes array arguments, including the indices (the “subscripts”). This fact is exploited to transform the argument string into a vector c of 1 and ¯1 and 0, according to whether a character is < or > or “other”. For the angles to be balanced, the plus scan (the partial sums) of c must be a 0-1 vector whose last element is 0.

The closely related problem where the brackets can be nested (e.g. where the brackets are parentheses), can be solved by checking that c is non-negative, that is, ∧/(×c)∊0 1 (and the last element is 0).

7. Unconditionally Shifty

Shift a boolean vector by , where positive means a right shift and negative means a left shift.

   shift ← {(≢⍵)⍴(-⍺)⌽⍵,(|⍺)⍴0}

The problem solution is facilitated by the rotate function ⍺⌽⍵, where a negative means rotate right and positive means rotate left. Other alternative unguarded code can use or (take or drop) where a negative means take (drop) from the right and positive means from the left.

8. Making a Good Argument

Check whether a numeric left argument to ⍺⍉⍵ is valid.

   dta ← {0::0 ⋄ 1⊣⍺⍉⍵}

This is probably the shortest possible solution: Return 1 if ⍺⍉⍵ executes successfully, otherwise the error is trapped and a 0 is returned. A longer but more insightful solution is as follows:

   dt ← {((≢⍺)=≢⍴⍵) ∧ ∧/⍺∊⍨⍳(≢⍴⍵)⌊(×≢⍺)⌈⌈⌈/⍺}

The first part of the conjunction checks that the length of is the same as the rank of . (Many APL authors would write ⍴⍴⍵; I prefer ≢⍴⍵ because the result is a scalar.) The second part checks the following properties on :

  • all elements are positive
  • the elements (if any) form a dense set of integers (from 1 to ⌈/⍺)
  • a (necessarily incorrect) large element would not cause the to error

The three consecutive ⌈⌈⌈, each interpreted differently by the system, are quite the masterstroke, don’t you think? ☺

9. Earlier, Later, or the Same

Return ¯1, 1, or 0 according to whether a timestamp is earlier than, later than, or simultaneous with another.

   ts ← {⊃0~⍨×⍺-⍵}

The functions works by returning the first non-zero value in the signum of the difference between the arguments, or 0 if all values are zero. A tacit solution of same: ts1 ← ⊃∘(~∘0)∘× - .

10. Anagrammatically Correct

Determine whether two character vectors or scalars are anagrams of each other. Spaces are not significant. The problem statement is silent on this, but I am assuming that upper/lower case is significant.

   anagram ← {g←{{⍵[⍋⍵]}⍵~' '} ⋄ (g ⍺)≡(g ⍵)}

The function works by first converting each argument to a standard form, sorted and without spaces, using the local function g, and then comparing the standard forms. In g, the idiom {⍵[⍋⍵]} sorts a vector and the phrase ⍵~' ' removes spaces and finesses the problem of scalars.

A reasonable tacit solution depends on the over operator , contemplated but not implemented:

     f⍥g ⍵  ←→  f g ⍵
   ⍺ f⍥g ⍵  ←→  (g ⍺) f (g ⍵)

A tacit solution written with over: ≡⍥((⊂∘⍋ ⌷ ⊢)∘(~∘' ')). I myself would prefer the semi-tacit ≡⍥{{⍵[⍋⍵]}⍵~' '}.


How I won the Dyalog Programming Contest

Blog post from Arianna Locatelli’s presentation on how she won the Dyalog APL programming contest 2015.

By Vibeke Ulmann #Dyalog15


Now it it’s 7th year, the annual Dyalog APL Programming Contest continues to attract a lot of interest. One of our favourite sessions at the Annual User Meeting, is when we get the opportunity to meet the winners, and hear how they won the Grand Prize.

Again this year we collaborated with SQORE/Studentcompetitions, and the contest had 2 phases.

  • Phase 1 had 10 ‘simple’ one liner style problems
  • Phase 2 had low, medium and difficult problems.

This year we had 1786 registrants, 42 submissions for Phase 1 and 16 submissions for Phase 2. We had participants from all over the globe – perhaps with the exception of Antartica.

A deep felt THANK YOU goes to our sponsors: APL Italiana, Dyalog APL, Fiserv, and SimCorp, as well as a number of sponsors who prefer to remain anonymous.

The Winner

Arianna Locatelli is 17 years old and is currently a fourth year student in Liceo Classico S. M. Legnani, in Saronno, a little town near Milan. She was one of the students who took part in Roberto Minervini’s Dyalog APL class at her school. Reference Blog post  How to Save an Italian School with APL.

Competition winner gets certificate

Arianna was presented with her winner Certificate by Walt Syzonenko from Fiserv

Despite the fact that Arianna’s main interest is in humanistic subjects, especially Latin and ancient Greek, and despite the fact that informatics is not taught in her school, she took at keen interest in learning the Dyalog APL language – so much so – that when her teacher Roberto Minervini encouraged her to sign up for the 7th Programming Contest,  she took on the challenge.

“As a high School student I thought I had little chance of winning. I thought there would be an unbreachable gap between the humanistic subjects I favour, and Dyalog APL. But I discovered that abtract thinking and understanding, as well as discussing some of the problems in the contest with my fellow students made this a very interesting experience.I also found Bernard Legrands book Mastering Dyalog APL (http://www.dyalog.com/mastering-dyalog-apl.htm), as well as using the Internet very useful.” Arianne said when she started her presentation.

She then processed to give a us  a truly fluent presentation, first presenting the logical solution to a problem then the APL implementation. It was particularly impressive to see how her thought processes led her to master some of the tasks with the highest degree of difficulty and complexity in Phase 2.

Asked about her favourite APL expression – without hesitation she said:  *Find*.

We all congratulate Arianne with her winning submission – which is particularly impressive considering her young age.  We hope that although it is her intention to study humanistic subjects, she will be able to find topics which will encourage her to continue to use the Dyalog APL language.