Highlights of the 2020 APL Problem Solving Competition – Phase I

We received some excellent competition entries this year. Once again, thank you to all those who participated, congratulations to this year’s winners, and thank you to the Grand Prize Winner Andrii Makukha for his presentation at this year’s user meeting.

This post contains some suggested Phase I solutions along with some comments from the judges. Before each solution there is a brief summary of the problem and a link to the full problem on the practice problems site; you can also download the full set of problem descriptions as a PDF.

This page contains spoilers. The suggested solutions are not the only correct solutions, and may not necessarily be best practice depending on your application or most optimal in terms of performance, but they do solve the problems in some particularly interesting and elegant ways. If you’d like to try to solve the problems yourself before looking at these example solutions, you can use problems.tryapl.org to check your solutions.

1: Let’s Split

The first problem was to write a function splitting a vector right argument into a nested vector of vectors according to a signed integer left argument. For example:

      ¯3 (your_function) 'DyalogAPL'

Most entrants successfully solved this problem using dyadic take and drop .

{c←⍺+(⍺<0)×≢⍵ ⋄ (c↑⍵)(c↓⍵)}

It was common to use the left argument as-is with and , and swap the two parts of the result using ⌽⍣condition or condition⌽array, but the solution above avoids the swap by computing appropriate arguments to and .

Try it now with TryAPL

2: Character Building

In problem 2, we asked participants to partition a vector of UTF-8 character encodings, similarly to 'UTF-8'∘⎕UCS¨, without using ⎕UCS. For example:

      (your_function) 68 194 165 226 141 186 226 140 138 240 159 148 178 57   
│68│194 165│226 141 186│226 140 138│240 159 148 178│57│

Eight participants submitted this (or a variation thereof):

{⍵⊂⍨1≠128 192⍸⍵}

Instead of doing multiple comparisons, this neatly uses interval index to check which range the argument is in. It then uses partitioned-enclose to create partitions beginning where code points are either below 128 or above 192.

Try it now with TryAPL

3: Excel-lent Columns

Problem 3 was simply to convert Microsoft Excel-style column letters to an integer. For example:

      (your_function) 'APL'

Thirty-five participants submitted variations on this:


While simple at first glance, it is actually quite involved because ⎕A⍳⍵ can give 26 (for Z) which isn’t a valid digit in base-26. However, decode handles out-of-bounds digits by carrying.

Try it now with TryAPL

4: Take a Leap

The task for problem 4 was to write a function to verify which of an array of integer years are leap years. For example:

      (your_function) 1900+10 10⍴⍳100
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

We had eight solutions like this one:

{0≠.=4 100 400∘.|⍵}

At first, it generates a 3-element vector showing whether the argument is divisible by 4, 100 or 400.

      0=4 100 400∘.|1900
1 1 0

The cleverness then is that ≠⌿ is used to express the logic of the leap-year algorithm. From Wikipedia:

if (year is not divisible by 4) then (it is a common year)
else if (year is not divisible by 100) then (it is a leap year)
else if (year is not divisible by 400) then (it is a common year)
else (it is a leap year)

We can check this with all possible length-3 boolean arguments:

0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0 0 1

Consider each case in turn:
1. Leap year, return 1
2. Can never occur
3. Not a leap year, return 0
4. Can never occur
5. Can never occur
6. Can never occur
7. Leap year, return 1

It is good because it uses no explicit loops and keeps intermediate values flat (no nesting). The solution leverages that each leap year rule is an exception to the previous one, and this particular formulation employs an unusual inner product ≠.= (equivalent to {≠/⍺=⍵} for vector arguments) to compute the parity of the divisibilities.

Try it now with TryAPL

5: Stepping in the Proper Direction

Problem 5 was to create a list generator somewhat similar to iota . However, this list generator takes a 2-element integer right argument and returns a list starting from the first integer and either increasing or decreasing in steps of 1 until the last integer inclusively. For example:

      (your_function) 4 ¯3
4 3 2 1 0 ¯1 ¯2 ¯3

Only one person had this exact solution, though many solutions were not too far off:


This dfn contains a 3-train or fork. Having seen contestants use the following format before, we feel compelled to provide you with a commented version of the above:

               -/⍵   ⍝ The length of the result is 1 more than the difference
           ⍳∘|)      ⍝ Integers up to the absolute difference
          ×          ⍝ times
        (×           ⍝ The sign of the difference
      0,             ⍝ Make the range inclusive
     -               ⍝ Use arithmetic to compute the correct result
 (⊃⍵)                ⍝ From the first value


 (⊃⍵)                ⍝ From the first value
     -               ⍝ to
      0,             ⍝ inclusively
        (×           ⍝ The sign of...
          ×          ⍝ times
           ⍳∘|)      ⍝ Integers in the range of...
               -/⍵   ⍝ The difference

This one excels in only computing necessary values once, and cleverly adjusts the generated values to rise or fall as needed, using the sign of the difference between the beginning and end points of the target range.

Try it now with TryAPL

6: Move to the Front

The task for problem 6 was to move all elements in the right argument vector equal to the left argument scalar to the start of that vector. For example:

      'a' (your_function) 'dyalog apl for all'
aaadylog pl for ll

Only one participant found this train, though two others submitted dfns using the same idea:


Instead of computing indices or selecting elements, this simply employs two set functions, intersection and without ~. The asymmetry of intersection, namely that it preserves duplicates from its left argument, is here used to great advantage.

Try it now with TryAPL

7: See You in a Bit

Problem 7 involved writing a function to compare set bits in the base-2 representations of its integer arguments. For example:

      2 (your_function) 7   ⍝ is 2 in 7 (1+2+4)?

Eleven solutions used this method:


Indeed, the problem is about finding particular set bits in a binary number, hence the 2⊥⍣¯1. The overall function is a 2-train or atop, where the right-hand function is itself a 3-train or fork.

We can break it down as follows:

∧/             ⍝ Are all of (0 if any are *not*)
  (≤/          ⍝ Set left bits also set in right
     2⊥⍣¯1     ⍝ in The base-2 representation of
	      ,)   ⍝ The left and right arguments?

The function less than or equal to only returns 0 where a left bit is not found in the right argument:

      5((⊢,⍥⊂⍪⍤(≤/))2⊥⍣¯1,)9   ⍝ Just a fancy way of visualising the intermediate and final result
│0 1│1│
│1 0│0│
│0 0│1│
│1 1│1│

This is pretty impressive, as it both demonstrates array orientation (in treating both arguments together) and uses Dyalog APL’s fancy inverse operator ⍣¯1 to use as many bits as necessary, while keeping the two representations aligned.

Try it now with TryAPL

8: Zigzag Numbers

The solution to problem 8 returns a 1 if its integer argument’s digits consecutively rise and fall throughout. For example, 12121 is a zigzag number, but 1221 is not.

We saw a handful of solutions of this type:


We can decompose it like so:

∧/                  ⍝ Are all
  0>                ⍝ Negative for...
    2×/             ⍝ Consecutively different signs of...
       2-/          ⍝ The pairwise difference of...
          10∘⊥⍣¯1   ⍝ The digits of the input?

It constitutes a good example of how the pattern in trains often is a natural one (this is actually an 8-train), and also shows off two uses of pairwise application 2f/ to compute the pairwise difference (the sign of which indicates the direction from digit to digit) and then the pairwise product (which due to the rules for multiplication of signed numbers indicates if a change has happened or not).

Try it now with TryAPL

9: Rise and Fall

Problem 9 involved writing a function to verify if a numeric vector has two properties:

  • The elements increase or stay the same until the “apex” (highest value) is reached
  • After the apex, any remaining values decrease or remain the same

For example:

      (your_solution)¨(1 2 2 3 1)(1 2 3 2 1)(1 3 2 3 1)
1 1 0

Actually, nobody had this exact solution, however, a handful came very close:


Instead of trying to analyse the numbers, it does a running maximum from the left and from the right. If the minimum of those matches the original numbers, then we have exactly one peak.

⊢             ⍝ The input vector
 ≡            ⍝ matches
  ⌈\          ⍝ The max-scan from the left (msl)
    ⌊∘⌽       ⍝ The lower of msl and ⌽msr
       ⌈\∘⌽   ⍝ The max-scan from the right (msr)

We can visualise ⌊∘⌽ by stacking its arguments on top of one another:

      1 3 5,[0.5]⌽2 5 4
1 3 5
4 5 2
      ⌊⌿1 3 5,[0.5]⌽2 5 4
1 3 2
      1 3 5⌊∘⌽2 5 4
1 3 2

When used with the two max-scans, we can see how this solution works.

      (⌈\,[0.5]∘⌽⌈\∘⌽)1 3 2  
1 3 3  
3 3 2  
      (⌈\,[0.5]∘⌽⌈\∘⌽)1 0 2  
1 1 2  
2 2 2

Try it now with TryAPL

10: Stacking It Up

The task for problem 10 was to format a nested vector of simple arrays as if displayed using {⎕←⍵}¨, and then to return the formatted character matrix ({⎕←⍵}¨ simply returns its argument). For example:

      (your_function) (3 3⍴⍳9)(↑'Adam' 'Michael')(⍳10) '*'(5 5⍴⍳25)
1 2 3               
4 5 6               
7 8 9               
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 1  2  3  4  5      
 6  7  8  9 10      
11 12 13 14 15      
16 17 18 19 20      
21 22 23 24 25

We had a couple of entries like this:

{¯1↓∊(⍕¨⍵),¨⎕UCS 13}

This was a tricky problem, especially as the automated testing didn’t include the 'a'1 test case, and many didn’t catch that one. Whilst most people wrote complicated code to get matrices for the element arrays, two participants thought outside the box, and simply joined the arrays with newlines after converting them to text.

Try it now with TryAPL


As always, not only are we deeply impressed by the ingenuity and cleverness of your submissions, but we also continue to be amazed by the number of people successfully solving most, if not all, of the problems in Phase I.

If you’d like to be notified when next year’s competition launches, go to dyalogaplcompetition.com and submit your email address.

Enhanced Debugging with Function Keys – Evaluate selection

See also Enhanced Debugging with Function Keys.

When tracing through a complex dfn and reaching a guard (condition:result), I am often wary of tracing into that line because if the condition evaluates to 1 then the current function I’m tracing through will terminate and return the result, leading to me losing situational awareness. Normally, I’d select the condition expression, copy it, move to the session and execute the expression, so I can predict what will happen next. Can we automate this? Yes we can.

Now, I usually prefer the Windows IDE for my daily development, but this is actually a case where RIDE has neat feature that’s missing from the IDE (but if you keep reading, I’ll show you how to achieve a similar effect in the IDE). In RIDE, go to Edit ⇒ Preferences ⇒ Shortcuts (or simply click ⌨︎ at the right end of the language bar), then type the name of a function key you want to use for this purpose, followed by a space, for example “F6 ” for . You’ll see exactly one entry in the listing. In the input field, write “<VAL>” (without quotes):

I defined a simple function to test it with, and traced into that:

      ⎕VR⎕FX'f←{' '⍺∧⍵:''both''' '⍺∨⍵:''either''' '''neither''' '}'
     ∇ f←{
[1]        ⍺∧⍵:'both'
[2]        ⍺∨⍵:'either'
[3]        'neither'
[4]    }

Tracing into f
Upon reaching a guard, I select the condition:
Selecting the condition
And Press :
Pressing F6

Cool, but how about the IDE?

Right, the Windows IDE doesn’t support the VAL command code, but we can easily emulate it by combining multiple command codes and assigning them to an F-key using ⎕PFKEY.

What we need to do is:

  1. Copy the current selection
  2. Jump to the session
  3. Paste
  4. Execute
  5. Jump back again

Options ⇒ Configure… ⇒ Keyboard Shortcuts ⇒ Description gives that the command codes for “Copy”, “JumP between current window and session window”, and “Paste” are CP, JP, and PT. We use ER (you can find all but JP using the ]KeyPress user command too) to press . Here we go:

      'CP' 'JP' 'PT' 'ER' 'JP' ⎕PFKEY 6

Keep it so!

RIDE keeps its setting, but of course, I wouldn’t want to be bothered with setting this up for every IDE session. So here’s a trick to set up F-keys (or anything else for that matter). When Dyalog APL starts up, it will look for MyUCMDs\setup.dyalog in your Documents folder ($HOME/MyUCMDs/setup.dyalog on non-Windows). If this file contains a function named Setup, it will be run whenever APL starts:

[1]  '<F6> is: ','CP' 'JP' 'PT' 'ER' 'JP' ⎕PFKEY 6
[2]  ∇

And now, when I start APL:
Upon start

Dyalog ’20 – Recordings Now Available

We are happy to announce that the full set of recordings from Dyalog ’20 online is now available. So if you missed the all or any of the talks, or would like to revisit one of the presentations, head over to https://dyalog.tv/Dyalog20!

It was disappointing not to be enjoying Portuguese food and drink with you all in Olhão. On the other hand, it was wonderful to be able to share our plans and user stories with so many people who would not normally be able to travel to one of our user meetings. According to the statistics, we had about twice the usual number of attendees, and Dyalog ’20 may have been the largest gathering of APL users in the last quarter century!

We learned that we need to invest in better microphones and find better solutions for chat both during and between the presentations, but in general we feel that the online format worked so well that we are making plans to run similar events in the future, even if international travel restrictions should ease and we are able to meet many of you face to face in Portugal this coming October. We are still thinking about the details, but it is likely that we will host an online meeting each spring with a focus on new users of Dyalog APL, while the autumn (fall) meeting will continue to provide experienced users with the usual “deep dive”.

We are also planning to offer workshops and other training sessions at other times of the year, and continue the regular series of webinars. Travel restrictions are helping to accelerate our plans to provide a steadily increasing quantity of online material. If there is sufficient interest, I am willing to expand my talk on Docker containers into a half-day “Bring Your Own Application” workshop early in 2021. If you would like to attend this workshop, or you have ideas for other topics for webinars, workshops or talks at future user meetings, please write to usermeeting@dyalog.com and tell us about it!

Welcome Ron Murray

Ron flying in 2003

Ron Murray is a recent addition to the Dyalog team, with a long history in the APL community. He first encountered APL/360 in 1969 and was hooked. He used it as the basis for teaching Computer Science courses for the Hampton, Virginia High Schools. Then, working with other APL pioneers, he wrote several APL applications and contributed to five different APL implementations at The Computer Company, STSC, Burroughs, Data Resources, and Analogic Corporation.

From 1986 until 2019 he left the world of APL to develop software on Microcomputers for Microsoft and Amazon, where he contributed to various development projects for Windows, OS/2, NT, Visual Basic, Encarta, and a variety of projects within the Microsoft Research Division as well the Developer Relations Group. He also contributed to the scalability and reliability of the Amazon transaction accounting system and the Windows Azure Archival Storage System.

He also ran an Aviation business for several years at the Tacoma Narrows airport, and started an internet television company with three friends. Together they learned a lot about crawling the web using machine learning, categorizing videos by their subject matters and quality, as well as constructing interactive user interfaces on IOS devices.

During all that non-APL work he continued to use APL as a tool of thought for organizing, analyzing, and clarifying the work that needed to be done.

Since July of 2020 he’s been applying the many non-APL things he’s learned to help extend and improve the Dyalog APL systems and their interactions with the rest of the computing world.

He points out that Windows 95, which is now 25 years old is about half as old as the APL/360 release!

Welcome Kirstine (Stine) Kromberg

Stine graduated from Copenhagen Business School with a Masters degree in Business Administration and Information Management in 2016, and went to work for a small consultancy firm. She started with “Drag&Drop” programming in SSIS and other similar tools, but quickly moved into project management, accounting, and Business Intelligence.

Covid-19 intervened just as she was looking forward to coming back from maternity leave, and she decided not to burden her previous employer by returning to a job as a consultant in a world where no-one really wanted external consultants for an unknown length of time. Since Dyalog was looking for a new accountant due to Helene’s retirement, she accepted that job. She hopes that she will soon have an opportunity to help the development team with project management as well.

If her last name sound somewhat familiar, it is because Stine is closely related to Gitte and Morten! Stine grew up in a household where APL was a part of everyday life. After swimming against the tide for many years she finally accepted a bet with Morten to give his “hobby” (APL) a try if he gave her hobby (Roleplaying) a try in return. As a result, she spent 2 weeks in Montreal trying to learn from one of the best teachers of APL. But while she learned a little French from staying at Dan Baronet’s house, the APL did not really stick. Morten sadly never got around to roleplaying, but he did take up Zumba many years later, so they consider the deal settled!

Several years later, while looking for something to do as a summer job, she took a job at Insight Systems learning APL while proofreading the new Dyalog APL book by Bernard Legrand and correcting data in the CRM system.

For several years she was hired to help run the help desk at the user meetings whenever they took place in Denmark. Her last appearance at a Dyalog user meeting was as a Zumba instructor in 2012 in Elsinore.

Stine has spent most of her life dancing around the edges of Dyalog, coming to the user meetings and chatting with customers and developers alike, hanging out at the office in Bramley, listening in whenever Gitte and Morten talked shop at the dinner table, trying to learn APL, but realizing that where her heart truly lies is in organizing and managing things. So, while working for an APL company feels like coming home, her ambition is not to take part in development, but instead to take care of all the details and bureaucracy so that the rest of our brilliant team can focus on what they truly love!

Warming up to Dyalog ’20 Online with the last Recording from Dyalog ’19!

Three weeks from today, Gitte Christensen and I will be opening the 2020 Dyalog user meeting. Like so many similar gatherings, we are moving online; this year’s meeting will consist of two 4-hour sessions on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th November, running from 14:00 to 18:00 UTC. Our hope (so far confirmed by advance registrations) is that this format will allow many more people to attend than a normal meeting, which requires you to set a full week aside and spend money on travel. We hope that the timing will allow attendance from a large part of the globe, and of course it is our intention to make recordings available afterwards for those unable to attend live.

I do subscribe to the proverb about all clouds having silver linings: although all the user meetings that I usually travel to attend have been cancelled or postponed, and I have missed meeting many of you face-to-face this year, it is important to note the unexpected side-effect; there is significantly more APL content being generated and made generally available than ever before! I hope that you have all noticed that Dyalog and the British APL Association have been holding online sessions every two weeks since the spring! A good place to keep track of these events is our event calendar at https://www.dyalog.com/dates-for-your-diary.htm.

Two four-hour sessions is obviously a lot less than the usual 3.5 days plus workshops. You should be able to find a good deal of the “missing” material, such as Adam Brudzewsky’s five-part series on features of Dyalog Version 18.0 (and my own introduction to the new release) at https://dyalog.tv/Webinar, where you can watch it at your leisure.

During Dyalog ’20 we will focus on giving you updates on the most important activities that the team behind Dyalog APL is currently working on. Also, although you may have to wait for Dyalog ’21 in Portugal to meet the winner of the APL Problem Solving Competition in person, Andrii Makukha from the University of Hong Kong will be giving his acceptance presentation online on the Tuesday. Chris and Michael Hughes will give us an update on a tool called qWC, which simplifies the transformation of existing Windows applications into web apps.

Calculating estimates for the paths of debris from M/S Irma.

Calculating estimates for the paths of debris from M/S Irma.

At Dyalog ’19, Tomas Gustafsson, author of the stunning Stormwind boat/ship simulator (real time physics engine implemented in Dyalog APL) told the story of the successful search for the M/S Irma, which was was lost in a sudden autumn storm between Finland and Sweden 50 years ago. Because a Finnish TV channel was producing a programme about the Irma, Tomas asked us not to publish the recording of his presentation last year. The embargo has finally been lifted, and we are now able to present the final recording from Dyalog ’19. In Tomas’ Dyalog ’19 video, you can hear Tomas tell the story of how, despite massive search efforts, said to be the biggest ever in Finnish history, the Irma accident became a mystery. No distress signals were heard during that fatal autumn night, and Irma had chosen the weirdest routes. Only one body was ever found, days later, at an unexpected location. Wreckage from the ship was discovered in the archipelago at multiple contradictory spots. Irma was found in May 2019 by a group of enthusiasts (including Tomas). The reverse drifting patterns calculated using Dyalog played a crucial role in the success of the search. Tomas will be back at Dyalog ’20 to entertain us with the story of his latest adventure: the search for a 500-year-old wreck, the Hanseatic hulk Hanneke Vrome, which left Lübeck at the brink of winter in 1468, to avoid Danish pirates.

I look forward to welcoming you to Dyalog ’20 on November 9th.