Past Events (Archive p2)

For more recently-held events and upcoming events, see Dates for Your Diary.

For more recent achived events, see Past Events (Archive p1).


March 2018

  • Dyalog webinar: Jay and Adám presented Total Array Ordering
  • Morten presented JSONServer and Docker Containers at FinnAPL meeting in Vantaa, Finland
  • Morten presented Technical News from Dyalog at FinnAPL meeting in Vantaa, Finland
  • Gitte presented News from Dyalog at FinnAPL meeting in Vantaa, Finland

February 2018

  • Dyalog webinar: Morten and Adám presented Namespace–Directory Synchronisation

January 2018

December 2017

  • Dyalog webinar: Morten and Brian presented Source Code Management with GitHub and APL

November 2017

October 2017

September 2017

August 2017

July 2017

  • Dyalog webinar: Morten and JohnS presented A Closer Look at the New Primitives in Version 16.0

June 2017

May 2017

  • Morten assisted Aaron Hsu in hosting The Functional Array Funhouse Intensive workshop at LambdaConf 2017 in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
  • Dyalog webinar: Richard presented File system functions for reading and writing Unicode Text files
  • Dyalog webinar: Richard presented ⎕CSV system function
  • Dyalog webinar: Morten presented the HTMLRenderer object

April 2017

March 2017

November 2016

October 2016

  • Morten was interviewed for Flaw Code, a podcast on Functional Programming (Episode 4)
  • Morten and Roger hosted a workshop on Array Oriented Functional Programming with Dyalog at Functional Conf 2016 in Bangalore, India
  • Roger presented A Tour (de Force) of APL in 16 Expressions at Functional Conf 2016 in Bangalore, India
  • Morten presented Notation for Parallel Thought at Functional Conf 2016 in Bangalore, India
  • Dyalog '16 user meeting in Glasgow, Scotland

September 2016

August 2016

June 2016

May 2016

April 2016

  • DYNA16 user meeting in Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.
  • Morten hosted a workshop on Isolates and Futures at SwedAPL meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Morten presented The Need for Speed at SwedAPL meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 2016

February 2016

  • Dan presented Dyalog Version 15.0 at BAA meeting in London, England

November 2015

  • Dan presented Recent features of Dyalog APL at FinnAPL meeting in Helsinki, Finland
  • Nick presented RIDE – Dyalog Ltd's Cross-platform Remote IDE at APL Germany meeting in Erfurt, Germany
  • Richard presented Cross-platform Deployment of Dyalog at APL Germany meeting in Erfurt, Germany
  • Morten presented RESTful Web Services with MiServer 3 at Swed APL 2015 in Malmö, Sweden

September 2015

  • Morten and Jay hosted a workshop on Array Oriented Functional Programming with Dyalog at Functional Conf 2015 in Bangalore, India GitHub logo
  • Morten presented Parallel Programming in Dyalog using Futures and Isolates at Functional Conf 2015 in Bangalore, India GitHub logo
  • Dyalog '15 user meeting in Sicily, Italy

August 2015

June 2015

April 2015

March 2015

January 2015

November 2014

  • Bjørn presented Cryptography 101 at APL Germany meeting in Berlin, Germany
  • Gitte presented Data Presentation with Dyalog APL at APL Germany meeting in Berlin, Germany
  • Morten presented Pragmatic Functional Programming Using Dyalog at Types, Theorems and Programming Languages in San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
  • Morten presented News from Dyalog, Parallel Programming with Futures and Isolates and Morten and his Dancing Bots at APLBUG in San Jose, California, U.S.A.
  • Bjørn presented SQAPL, Conga and the Dyalog Cryptographic Library at FinnAPL meeting in Helsinki, Finland

October 2014

  • Morten presented Pragmatic Functional Programming using Dyalog at Functional Conf 2014 in Bangalore, India GitHub logo
  • Morten presented Parallel Programming with Dyalog v14.0 and MiServer 3.0 at APLSIG in Toronto, Canada

September 2014

August 2014

July 2014