One Interpreter for All Platforms
Dyalog started on 16-bit UNIX in 1983. Microsoft Windows became the most widely-used platform for new APL systems in the 1990s and 2000s, and today the 64-bit Windows Unicode edition is the most widely used variant of the product. Support for new platforms is on the horizon and, as many of the coming platforms are UNIX-based, so our UNIX roots are sprouting fresh shoots and our commitment to cross-platform development is stronger than ever before.
We build approximately 20 variants of Dyalog every night from the same source code; they are able to share binary data in the form of saved workspaces, component files and arrays transmitted using TCP Sockets. Word sizes and byte order differences are handled in real time. We take upwards-compatibility very seriously and new versions are usually able to load and use old binary forms without conversion.
Platform Differences
We strive to keep all tools and interfaces as portable as the interpreter itself. Our goal is to allow you to develop on one platform and deploy on any other Dyalog-supported platform, as long as you avoid platform-specific interfaces.
Follow the links below to read about the distinct features (or restrictions) of Dyalog on each supported platform: