Meet Team Dyalog
Meet the people who make it all happen – a few facts and a bit about each of us in our own words.

Managing Director (CEO)
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: May 2020
Stine (Kirstine) grew up around APL and her first encounter with many of Dyalog Ltd's customers was at the help desk whenever the user meetings were held in Denmark. Although her experience with APL is sadly lacking, her interest in management and accounting is being put to good use.

Technical Director (CTO)
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: April 2005
Morten joined Dyalog Ltd after spending about 15 years building up ideas for technical direction as a user of Dyalog – 10 as an APL Consultant and 5 as the CTO of Adaytum Software, developing a "shrink-wrapped" product which used Dyalog as the core technology. Before that, he spent about 10 years learning, using and helping clients install and maintain SHARP APL at I.P.Sharp Associates.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: January 2020
Aaron began his professional career as a Scheme programmer before getting his PhD in Computer Science from Indiana University doing research on data parallel compilation using APL. He's extremely passionate about the potential for APL to enhance human-centred computing, and hopes to expand our understanding of computing and human communication through APL research and development.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: August 2023
Aarush, also known as sloorush or rush, joined Dyalog Ltd after completing his bachelor's degree in Computer Science, passionate to work on programming languages. When not working, he can be found travelling, trying to click a picture of something in the room, or looking at new ways of making his coffee taste different the next morning.

System Administrator
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: September 2023
After graduating with a bachelor's degree in software engineering, Abs looked for a place to grow and put his software and IT skills to use – he found this when he joined Dyalog Ltd! Although he is new to the world of APL, he hopes to become familiar with the new squiggles as well as help to solve technical problems so that the rest of Team Dyalog can work efficiently.

Head of Language Design
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: May 2015
Adám prides himself on having got APL with the breast-milk, as he attended his first APL conference at the age of one. He is adamant in many of his convictions, including that APL is by far the world's most superior programming language, and the only one worthy of being used day-to-day. His work is mainly in the development and maintenance of APL tools.

Executive Assistant
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: October 2024
Andrea assists Stine (and the rest of Dyalog Ltd) with organisation, communication, and administration. A master’s degree in Rhetoric, an interest in facilitation, and a talent for structure compensates for her lack of technical knowledge! The main difference between her work and leisure time is which computer she is using, since she spends most of her free time organising projects for friends and family.

Chief Operations Officer
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: July 1987
Andy has spent most of his working life in support, supporting APL but also UNIX systems and high-end hardware. He is less the theorist and more the pragmatist. He is responsible for Dyalog Ltd's internal systems as well being involved with the development and QA processes.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: April 2005
Bjørn has been making add-ons for APL since the start of the '90s, first at Insight Systems ApS, then at Adaytum Software and now at Dyalog Ltd. He concentrates on moving things that are hard to do in APL or that have poor execution speeds into C so that they are callable from APL. The best known examples of these are SQAPL and Conga.

APL Tools Architect
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: March 2011
Brian learned APL in 1975 when as a freshman in high school he discovered that the typewriter that knew how to play football was actually a computer terminal hooked up to the University of Rochester's APL timesharing system. Brian has developed APL applications across a variety of industries including financial planning, manufacturing control, legislative tracking, full text databases and risk assessment. Brian has twice been recognised by the ACM's SigAPL for innovative APL development. "I'm very blessed to be a part of the Dyalog team; building tools that make it easier for our customers to do their jobs."

Documentation Manager
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: April 2013
Prior to joining Dyalog Ltd, Fiona had twelve years of technical authoring experience but a programming background limited to Pascal and FORTRAN. She wishes she'd known about APL and Dyalog earlier in her academic life.

Administration Assistant
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: March 2023
Jada graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in Law with Politics, and hopes to use some of the transferable skills attained there to assist in various administrative duties. Although she has not yet developed her APL skills, she hopes to help promote the language and always has time to listen to APL enthusiasts.

I.T. Manager
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: May 2007
Jason is one of the younger members of the team though he tries to disguise his youth with Linuxy facial hair. An "expert on everything" according to those in the know, he winces whenever anyone includes "www." in a URL.

Chief Architect
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: September 1991
If memory serves, which it often doesn't, John joined Dyalog Ltd fresh faced and eager after a degree in "Computer aided Chemistry" from www.surrey.ac.uk/chemistry/. John has been responsible for much of the User Interface work with Dyalog, including the GUI session, COM and .NET interfaces. John sits in the corner in the office and can frequently be heard shouting at his computer.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: June 2019
Josh was exposed to Dyalog during an internship with The Carlisle Group. He continued with APL and was a grand prize winner in the 2016 APL problem solving competition. A graduate of The University of Scranton with a degree in Computer Science, he now primarily serves as an APL consultant to North American clients and works on APL tools.

Customer Account Manager
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: May 1992
Karen has been involved with Dyalog and APL for over 20 years. With an alternative job title of Chief Cat Herder, her administration and organisational talents ensure that everything behind the scenes at Dyalog Ltd is running smoothly.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: February 2024
Karl holds one-and-a-half degrees in computer science (a Bachelor’s degree from Aalborg University and half of a Master’s degree from Aarhus University). As a perfectionist who always searches for the best solutions, Karl finds working with APL is a recipe for both immense work/life satisfaction and disaster! Karl is a mix between an introvert and an extrovert – he is comfortable being the life of the party or sitting in a corner playing chess.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: April 2021
Karta completed his PhD in Theoretical Physics and stumbled upon APL entirely by happenstance. He joined Dyalog Ltd as a C/C++ programmer, with the aim of developing its utility for scientists and engineers.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: August 2024
While finishing her PhD in Computational Material Science, Martina discovered APL by chance. Having already decided to leave academia, she joined Dyalog Ltd and found out how APL beautifully suits her way of thinking. Addicted to gym and various sports, she balances all the exercising with a passion for Italian cuisine (and pineapple pizza).

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: February 2017
Michael discovered APL in the last century through his first job as Production Planning Analyst supporting an APL application. The speed in which development implemented any changes made him curious about that strange language – and the rest is history. In his rare moments away from the computer, Michael likes to spend time with his family, enjoys travelling, music and boring computer-games as well as board-games. He also loves British humour (claims to sometimes even understand it!), English tea and Danish cookies.

Marketing Specialist
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: September 2023
Mike's experience prior to joining Dyalog Ltd included working with international organisations and managing a wide range of clients, from local businesses to major brands.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: August 2024
Neil is fascinated by programming languages and the different advantages they give you, and this is the route through which he discovered APL. He left academia immediately after completing his Bachelor’s degree studying Artificial Intelligence (in Edinburgh).

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: September 1977
Pete had the amazing luck to be a member of the team, alongside John Scholes and Pauline Brand, that acquired what was then Dyadic Systems in 1990 and guided it through the formative years of Dyalog Ltd. His only truly wise business decision was to hand over the reins in 2005 and he now luxuriates in partial retirement on the Greek island of Alonissos. When not writing Dyalog documentation he struggles to learn to speak Greek and to play the bouzouki. He hopes one day to become semi-competent at both.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: July 2022
Peter joined Dyalog Ltd after finishing his bachelor's degree in computer science from Aalborg University in 2022. He first heard about APL in 2021, and started playing around with Dyalog, which seemed refreshingly different from other programming languages. He spends his time improving the interpreter as much as possible, and hope that other young people discover APL as well.

APL Teacher/Evangelist
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: October 2018
Rich discovered APL shortly after discovering Dyalog Ltd's headquarters on his own doorstep in Bramley. With a degree in physics and interest in computing, he was surprised to have not heard of it before. He hopes to introduce many more people to APL so that fewer future experts have to be deprived of APL's prowess in conveying problem solutions to computation engines. He's wondering when is an appropriate time to tell them about his own personal duck collection.

Development Manager
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: June 2008
Richard joined Dyalog Ltd with a degree in computer science from City, University of London, and 20 years' experience of compiler development and language design. He develops and maintains the Dyalog interpreter and oversees its overall development.

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: June 2022
Silas found APL and Dyalog Ltd before his recent graduation and was very happy finding a job where his computer interests bring in a salary. When not noodling making computer things, he enjoys finding a quiet nook to read a good book full of magic and mystery – perhaps even with some tea!

Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: May 2023
Stefan discovered APL through the Advent of Code challenges, an annual Christmas-themed programming competition, but never thought that this chance encounter would lead to a career in APL. He's a Mac fanatic but does his computing on the command-line. Stefan is a keen skier and a proud MAMIL.

Customer Support
Based in:
Joined Dyalog Ltd: June 1996
Vince enjoys helping customers. He is mainly a C programmer, but loves having Dyalog on his desktop as it's a really useful tool to do a quick calculation or write a quick program in. His computer runs Windows, and he uses command-line shells as well as the GUI.