News Archive
Mar 6, 2023
2023 APL Problem Solving Competition Announced by Dyalog Ltd

Dyalog Ltd invites you to put your programming and problem-solving skills to the test by using any APL system to develop solutions to ten questions and solve a series of problems. This is a contest for people who love a challenge and learning new things for fun, with the added bonus that if you are a full-time student you can win one of 18 cash prizes totaling $6,500, including a grand prize of $2,500 and a expenses-paid invitation to present your work at the next Dyalog user meeting. This year, the user meeting (Dyalog '23) will be in Elsinore, Denmark, from 15-19 October (inclusive). If you are not a full-time student you can win free registration for Dyalog '23.
For the rules and eligibility criteria, and to enter the competition, go to https://contest.dyalog.com.
If you have friends who love a challenge and learning new things for fun, or you know students who might be interested in participating, then please recommend this contest to them – cash referral prizes are available!
The deadline for submitting solutions is Friday 28 July 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC. Winners will be announced on Monday 21 August 2022.
Good luck and have fun!
If you would like to promote this competition, posters and other promotional materials can be found below: