Automatonics Inc.

Automatonics Inc. is a USA corporation specialising in Dyalog and Web hosting. The primary focus is APL as a Service through APLcloud.com. Leveraging the Amazon AWS global data centres, APLcloud offers commercial-grade Dyalog servers and MiServer web hosting services to rent on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Engineered from the ground up by APLers and for APLers, APLcloud.com offers a full range of Dyalog hosting services. Customers can start with a simple shared web hosting plan that uses FTP to upload MiServer web pages and can grow their application, as needed, into fully-dedicated Microsoft Windows or Linux servers that include a commercial licence for Dyalog. APLcloud services are pay-as-you-go, scalable and on-demand, ranging from 1 CPU up to 8 CPUs and 60 GB of RAM.
APLcloud's products and services can be used by anyone who needs APL applications to be accessed over the internet. The combination of Dyalog, MiServer and APLcloud opens the door to extending legacy APL applications as well as providing a new platform for advanced APL solutions.
Over the past few years, Automatonics has been working closely with Dyalog testing the MiServer web server platform. In addition to serving up web pages, APLcloud can configure MiServer as a web service connecting Dyalog over the internet. Web services provide a robust and flexible way to integrate external web services and legacy systems with APL applications – including sending, and receiving, XML and JSON data.
Why does Automatonics use Dyalog and MiServer?
Automatonics has been specialising in APL systems and software applications for more than 25 years. Their core team members are all APL experts and have experience in a variety of different APL dialects. They regard Dyalog as the best APL programming environment on the market today. Not only does Dyalog run on a variety of operating systems (from Microsoft Windows to Linux to UNIX and the Raspberry Pi), but Dyalog also provides migration-level support that makes it easy to run any legacy APL as Dyalog.
When it comes to APL programming and debugging, Automatonics find that Dyalog makes this easy too. Programs can be traced, stopped, modified and continued during the debugging process. Add to this that Dyalog comes with complete documentation and quality technical support, and you can clearly see how Dyalog is more than a programming language – it is a complete development package.
MiServer has been written to make the most of Dyalog. It is a very robust and intuitive Web hosting environment that is quickly finding its place with IIS, PHP, ColdFusion and Java web servers. APLcloud offers a variety of different MiServer hosting configurations. The flexibility of MiServer to run either as a dedicated Web Server or as a back-end web site behind a proxy server means that it offers a variety of secure web based solutions. Add to this the ability to run MiServer as a Web Service, and you have one of the best APL-based application platforms in the world.
APLcloud provides servers, hosting, Dyalog and technical support, helping anyone to "find their head in the APL cloud".