Training Courses
Dyalog Ltd offers public training courses on the Dyalog language and tools. Courses are offered in different geographical regions as required and will be announced on our webpage, through Dyalog partners and with social media and a broadcast e-mail.
In addition to these publicly offered courses, customers can request a particular course to be conducted in-house. Contact sales@dyalog.com for further information or to be added to our mailing list.
Courses at User Meetings
The annual Dyalog user meeting offers users the opportunity for hands-on training with leading field experts. Each user meeting offers a choice of sessions in which Dyalog developers and industry experts take a small group of users through a particular topic. These sessions can, for example, focus on the use of newly introduced functionality or the optimisation of existing functionality.
If you would like a particular topic to be covered in a user meeting workshop, then let us know as soon as possible – we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.