User Groups
A number of national and regional user groups organise regular meetings. Click on the appropriate flag to view information about user meetings that Dyalog Ltd is aware of in each country.

Suomen APL-yhdistys ry (Finnish APL Association) aka FinnAPL
Contact: Veli-Matti Jantunen (chairman)
Email: aplyhdistys@finnapl.fi
Website: www.finnapl.fi
APL Wiki: https://aplwiki.com/wiki/FinnAPL
Meeting schedule: twice a year
Contact: Veli-Matti Jantunen (chairman)
Email: aplyhdistys@finnapl.fi
Website: www.finnapl.fi
APL Wiki: https://aplwiki.com/wiki/FinnAPL
Meeting schedule: twice a year
APL-Germany e.V.
Contact: Dieter Kilsch
Email: info@apl-germany.de
Website: apl-germany.de/
APL Wiki: https://aplwiki.com/wiki/APL_Germany
Contact: Dieter Kilsch
Email: info@apl-germany.de
Website: apl-germany.de/
APL Wiki: https://aplwiki.com/wiki/APL_Germany
Frankfurt APLers/
Contact: Michael Baas
Email: mbaas@dyalog.com
Website: www.meetup.com/Frankfurt-APLers/
Meeting schedule: irregular
Contact: Michael Baas
Email: mbaas@dyalog.com
Website: www.meetup.com/Frankfurt-APLers/
Meeting schedule: irregular
Tokyo APL/J/K Meetup
Contact: Justus Perlwitz
Website: https://meetup.com/en-AU/apl-j-k-meetup/
APL Wiki: https://apl.wiki/Tokyo_APL/J/K_Meetup
Meeting schedule: irregular
Contact: Justus Perlwitz
Website: https://meetup.com/en-AU/apl-j-k-meetup/
APL Wiki: https://apl.wiki/Tokyo_APL/J/K_Meetup
Meeting schedule: irregular
Contact: Michail Liarmakopoulos
Email: mlliarm@yandex.com
Website: https://mlliarm.github.io/apl-in-bcn/
APL Wiki: https://apl.wiki/APL_∊_BCN
Meeting schedule: once a month.
Contact: Michail Liarmakopoulos
Email: mlliarm@yandex.com
Website: https://mlliarm.github.io/apl-in-bcn/
APL Wiki: https://apl.wiki/APL_∊_BCN
Meeting schedule: once a month.
Swedish APL User Group aka SwedAPL
Contact: Gilgamesh Athoraya
Email: e9gille@gmail.com
Meeting schedule: see SwedAPL on LinkedIn
Contact: Gilgamesh Athoraya
Email: e9gille@gmail.com
Meeting schedule: see SwedAPL on LinkedIn
British APL Association aka BAA
Email: events@britishaplassociation.org
Website: britishaplassociation.org
APL Wiki: https://aplwiki.com/wiki/BAA
Meeting schedule: alternate Thursdays
Email: events@britishaplassociation.org
Website: britishaplassociation.org
APL Wiki: https://aplwiki.com/wiki/BAA
Meeting schedule: alternate Thursdays
Northern California APL ACM Chapter (APLBUG)
Contact: Chuck Kennedy or Curtis A. Jones
Email: charles-kennedy@comcast.net or curtis_jones@ieee.org
Website: acm.org/sigapl
Meeting schedule: occasional; based on availability of speakers
Contact: Chuck Kennedy or Curtis A. Jones
Email: charles-kennedy@comcast.net or curtis_jones@ieee.org
Website: acm.org/sigapl
Meeting schedule: occasional; based on availability of speakers
New York Dyalog APL Meetup group
Contact: Paul Mansour
Website: www.meetup.com/New-York-Dyalog-APL-Meetup
Meeting schedule: based on demand/availability of speakers
Contact: Paul Mansour
Website: www.meetup.com/New-York-Dyalog-APL-Meetup
Meeting schedule: based on demand/availability of speakers
If you would like your user group to be included, then please contact us with the appropriate information.